An Ice Viper is only found in the northern most hemisphere on any continent or in any area where the temperature is cold enough to not handle any other snake but the well known ice viper found on any male inhabitant when snuggling or spooning in which it does strike whomever is being spooned or snuggled
Travis said " it sure is cold out, I guess I'm gonna have to show the wife the ice viper"
by SuperPower1 January 24, 2018
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When jizz dries on one's dick tip from beating off the night before. When they wake up the next morning and try to piss, it comes out in two directions like a viper and showers the walls and floors.
After jacking off last night, Teddy tried to piss this morning but instead sprayed the bathroom walls and floor with Viper Piss.
by Adam Kennedy March 1, 2006
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the best damn car in the world, it may not be the fastest but it sure is the best looking
Damn, i would love to get in a dodge viper with Carmen Electra
by its a mystery March 16, 2005
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Used only in extreme situations generally female to female to describe a woman who will do anything to get her way.
I can't believe Marsha stole Jan's boyfriend, she's such a viper cunt.
by Pierre Toastie October 17, 2006
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a nasty vagina that is used often and never cleaned, normally emitting a foul odor.
So I tried smashing on Tina the other night, and man did she have a viper pussy. I got a whiff of somethin' fierce.
by Patattack3000 February 17, 2009
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James Rolfe's mid life crisis band that covers retro video game and movie soundtracks. The band is not well coordinated and is not taken very seriously by the majority of onlookers.
I'm surprised Justin didn't fall through the stage at the most recent Rex Viper concert.
by daddyjenkins August 25, 2022
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