You wouldn’t understand it's a jeep thing...
l----L –OlllllllO
by jeeptastic October 27, 2010
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A phrase used by someone usually while they’re busy feeling sorry for themselves over a situation that has them so upset they’ve selfishly deluded themselves into believing no one else could possibly understand what they’re going through.

All they want is your pity but you won’t help matters if you give it to them
Kathy: Come on Simon. I just want to help you. why won’t you talk to me?

Simon: (Sighs dramatically) You wouldn’t understand
by The Captive Spirit September 15, 2010
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A string designed to evoke percipience that typically follows otherwise asinine statements. Used by affected egoists, crackpots or a blend of the two. The average person would probably never bring themselves to utter such sophomoric jargon.
'You are stuck in the payment network
narrative, bitcoin is not solely there to be a means of exchange! It is a store of value! Very few understand this.'

'Low-IQ normies that don't watch Rick & Morty will never be able to feel the visceral, cerebral rewards that we do. Very few understand this.'
by GSYdonkey February 21, 2021
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An expression to make a point that the person needs to "get" the meaning of your next statement.
You gotta understand, he asked what kind of pie I like and I said Pi.
by Gidgetagain August 27, 2019
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This is just a simple phrase you use in sticky situations, or when you're simply fed up with the person you are currently talking to so that the person is then confused.
Tom: You look like my foot

Mark: Understandable, Happy Birthday
by Tee_CounPoun August 22, 2019
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A phrase used when describe something in-descibable, used when you are telling a story or something and what you are trying to describe can not be defined by words or any other means.
person telling: I went to this party last nite, it was awsome, the best ever........sighs with a smile.
Person listening: really, what happened?
Person telling: stuters stuck for words on where to start......oh my dont understand.
by thefletch June 1, 2005
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this is a way of saying "I'm dumb" as you try not to sound dumb.

commonly used after making a large blunder - it can be used as a cover story for the error by adding ambiguity to the instructions.
Barber: yes ma'am, I shaved your head - As per my understanding, you wanted a "cool" haircut... that will be 20 bucks.
by jonzim December 8, 2008
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