a word used to desribe a pro sports game
the Red Sox - Yankes tilt begins tonight at 7 bells
by Son_of_LB May 22, 2005
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Drunk on Tilt, a caffeinated berry-flavored malt beverage made by Anheuser-Busch...
It comes in either orange (6.6% alcohol) or green (8.8%). Comparable to the effects of Sparks, or a drink like red bull and vodka.
Studies have shown that caffeine impairs your ability to realize how drunk you are.
I was so tilted, I partied all night!
by tilted August 14, 2007
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verb - must be used with "to go" or tenses of to go He went tilt. She will go tilt.

1. tilt is when a pinball machine malfunctions; when a person goes tilt they become extremely angry or furious

to explode with anger

2: to have an outburst of negative emotion, to have a trantrum

If mom and dad come home early - before we have a chance to clean up after our massive keg party - they are going to go tilt when they see this mess.

When he found his brother Charles dismantling his perfectly assembled model plane, Alex went tilt.

The baby went tilt when his parents tried to take away his favorite pacifier.
by WordPak Revisited December 31, 2011
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a synonym for triggered. to be on tilt is to be is to be infuriated in a petty way to something that others may tolerate or even enjoy
Antidote by Travis Scott puts me on tilt more than anything dude
by willyp420 November 11, 2016
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TILT is a multi purpose word that can be used to describe a way of doing something, a future occurnace or a past action. it may also be used to desribe objects and is commonly used as a greeting to fellow 'tilters' who use the word.

research shows that the drinking of alcohol and the use of tilt are common place.
"Im getting tilted tonight" as in Im getting drunk.

"Mate, I was tilted last night." I was a mess last night.

"Tilt lad!" as in 'do it'

"you alright mate?" "yeah, tilt lad" As in greetings.

"tilt!" as in tilt
by matty tyrer February 13, 2010
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1) To be really annoyed to the point that one nearly falls over.

2) 'Tilting': A person becoming annoyed

3) 'On Tilt': A person describing how really annoyed they are.
Paul's tilt was so bad that he was driven to drink.

Jobin was seriously tilting after losing at pro evo 10-0 for the fifth consecutive time.

Paul was on tilt when Arch refused to stop caressing his buttocks.
by King Alfred March 2, 2010
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