Gravy is a term used in the game Halo 3. It is when you get a kill from the grave.
Jason: d00d I toaly pwn'd ur face in-

*Ademo killed you from the grave*

by Tizz Mizzle January 18, 2008
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mixed human solids with male human procreators that just soo happend to resemble the real thing
Some marines use this word every single day of their lives...haha, basically u know how gay men have intercourse, and since the "seamen" always go into the butthole, it mixes with the body obvious natural solid in that hole.....when it comes out.....white vicous and probably look like like sumthing many many many thousands of ppl enjoy on their "chunky mashed potatoes"
by PoPnFrEsHRITM September 17, 2004
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a substance, action or object that is linked indisputably to a particular person
This kinda shit ain't my gravy.

Don't touch a another man's gravy
by Alex August 21, 2003
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an adjective (descriptive) term for something that is good;
word meaning good, as to "adding GRAVY to rice or biscuits."
Question: How does your new car ride?
Answer : It's all gravy!!!
by LaRonde Bennett November 15, 2006
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The small amount of extra weight on a girl that could still be considered "sexy." Baby fat can also be considered "Gravy" as well. Fat on a girl that is unatractive on all levels would then be considered "Paint" ....
Holy Shit , look at all the gravy on these girls.
by snoball October 14, 2006
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a word most often used in the south particularly florida to refer to cocaine, especially really good cocaine.
Man go in the bathroom and chop out some gravy.
by downtownhunterbrown January 20, 2009
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an adjective to describe the intensity of sexual intercourse
I'd fuck the gravy outta that fine lookin chica over there
by Ed the Viking April 27, 2010
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