A person who literally lives for crack. All of the crackheads are lead by their powerful leader captain crackhead who is the lord of crack.
Damn bro you such a crackhead. Wait hold up is that captain crackhead. Let’s fuck captain crackhead.
by Proffesor_Nut October 22, 2019
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A person who loves and is addicted to the booty(ass crack)Always watching out for some ass big ass little ass any type of good ass
If booty is crack then I’m a crackhead
by Toxic relationship sex February 2, 2021
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A really fucked up and thin individual who relies on crack to survive, his physical appearance is that of a bunch of dry tree branches glued together and dressed in a bag of potatoes. Most of the time you will encounter these exotic species of zombies doing what they do most of the time, filling their asses with crack cocaine. They are easily distinguishable from the public, some of their most obvious characteristics include:

-Arms and legs as thin as needles

-Fucked up and dirty rags, sometimes not dressed at all
-Being either unconscious or dead on the streets
-The most obvious of them, the smell of crack, which can be felt about a mile away
Crackhead: "rambling random bullshit at his pet rock"
Random dude passing by: ...
by Some fucker took my name July 2, 2019
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A crackhead is a person that is addicted to crack or other illegal drugs and always goes to jail beacuse the use of them and usually wonders streets at night.
by packerskid2008 April 29, 2007
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1.Slang (used by mostly african americans) meaning a person who is making some one laugh by being crazy, acting dumb and or acting a "fool". In reality the person is no crackhead but is just acting like one.
2. A very funny person.
3. Can also be used as class clown

"Boy u need to stop man, crackhead a**"

"Man you a straight up crack head hahaha"

Teacher: "Tyrelle I see u want to be a crack head to day, go to the principal's office!"
by falalalalalalalala!! February 17, 2009
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dope addict - will reproduce to create crackbabies
That crackhead Latisha went and had a crackbaby in between fixes.
by Coolio October 2, 2003
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someone who looks like they are constantly tripping (especially in the eyes) because they clearly have been smoking waay too much crack
1) look at that guy, jesus, matty t is such a crackhead!
2) oi crackhead! pass me the pes controller!
by rgp May 16, 2007
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