Strawberries > him, he cant take it but its totally true.
by werwer May 26, 2003
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To avoid that which tempts you (be it due to laziness, possession of inconvenient moral values, lack of quids....)

To declare temptation but not indulge is to commit a STUism.
Examples of STUisms:
"I'm tempted, although I'm rapidly becoming very broke, so I'll give it a miss..."
"I want to stick things in you but I'm married so I can't"
"I want a brew and a mint timtam but I can't be arsed to get off the sofa"
by Snatch Flasher October 24, 2007
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A cheesy guy who has a striking resemblance to Keanu Reeves. A guy who thinks he's very cool. A poser.
Look at that guy in the tight leather pants and no shirt leaning against his croch rocket, He's such a Stu.
by Amberlynn_1 September 13, 2009
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Short for "Stupid Ass", so you can refer to the "Stupid Ass" at work, in emails or out loud, w/o worry of your boss / co-workers knowing who you are talking about...
"That moron, Stu, screwed everthing up again!"
by BastardBoy November 19, 2003
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A person who likes to make love to dead animals
You are stu-ing
by Anonymous September 10, 2003
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