A person who pretends to act happy for your successes than trash talks you behind your back. Someone who most likely dosen't have shit to work with and has to hate on people who move up in the world. This term could be used to describe anyone who hates on another person for 'good reasons. They will turn your good qualities around and make it look like something bad because they just arent happy with themselves and can't achieve anywhere near what you have.
Man, that Vitale is such a hater. He needs to stop drinkin that haterade and move on up in the world.
by kcnn December 30, 2008
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a speck of dust, sugar or tobacco in a glasspipe full of chrystal meth. It fucks up the whole batch.
Oh no, i have to toss out the whole load because there's a hater stuck on the side of the pipe.
by Clean for years now February 10, 2009
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A label applied to people who are more negative than positive when discussing another person. It most commonly refers to individuals whose negativity is so extreme that it is all-consuming. However, there are various levels and forms of being a hater, ranging from completely dismissing any positive traits or actions, to merely painting a less than flattering picture by using words with negative connotations. Hating is often attributed to jealousy, but just as often, it seems to stem from some other source.
Person A: Ben Gordon is one of the best clutch scorers in the league!
Person B: Gordon is an impressive scorer, but he's still a role player.
by Chuck Swirsky March 31, 2005
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A word that stupid people use to help you spot them quickly. It can also be spelled "h8r".
Me: I don't think you've thought your views through very well. Was that even English?

Stupid Person: YoU'rE sUch a h8R! Don't bE hatIn.
by Chem December 9, 2003
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any person who enjoys witnessing others misfortunes, or causes it for ones benefit
Haters are all around, trying to ruin your day
Haters are all around, trying to steal your hay-
by Fetalmatter December 3, 2010
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1) Someone who can't accept another's success, and will excessively complain about it.

2) A derogatory slur used by homosexuals (usually flamboyant ones) and their supporters to describe a 'gay bigot/gay-basher' or anyone who doesn't support their cause; ironically makes the user a bigot.

3) Another word for a 'bigot'.
1) Tom is such a hater cause he can't get over Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize; even though he didn't deserve it.

2) Perez Hilton about Ms. California: "I can't believe that B*tch, she is such a 'Hater', I just hate haters."

3) Chuck: Bro you see Christian over there protesting gay marriage?

Larry: He's such a hater.
by Muttemor September 28, 2014
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Dumb people who have so little brain they have to hate on people to make themselves feel good. And to take their mind of how they are failing every class that ever existed.
Hater: ur so ugly

The entire world: I’m not Zoe laverne
by Anyone with a brain January 19, 2021
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