Released in late October of 2004, GTA: SA is a video game for the Playstation 2 (PS2). You take the role of a protaganist who goes around jacking people from their cars and performing missions on the streets of a fictional city called "San Andrdeas".

The great thing about the game is that there is so many things you can do besides follow the main story. Like be a taxi driver, paramedic, pimp, valet parker, street racer, truck shipment driver, pool shark, gambler and so on.

The game is a whole lot of fun if you're into action games with driving. NOT recommended for young audiences. The game is rated M (mature) for a reason.
Carl: "Don't take this personally, but you gettin' jacked."
by UglyMug November 6, 2004
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The Act Of Where Youre Not Aware that you are performing acts in real life that resemble ideas or depictions from any grand theft auto game. often happens when a new grand theft auto comes out or you have played grand theft auto in excess of more then 8 hours in one day.

1. Running against a wall and not moving anywhere (AKA getting stuck on a wall)

2. Taking a base ball bat and hitting the ground in repetive pattern, often associated with the bomp bopm bomp bomp sound your bat makes.

3. Taking a bicycle or a 1982 el camino and trying to jump of mountains named after mexican dishes.

4. Trying to open a Police Cruiser's door by shaking the handle twice then running.

5. Jacking a vehicle by punching some one twice in the head then ripping them out of the vehicle throwing them to the ground and occasionaly hopping over the gear box while saying something along the lines of "I need this"

6. when youre getting ready to get hit by a vehicle you might yell something that has no purpose "Cheezy Vaginas"

7. Payng for a hooker, letting her get out and run her over with said vehicle and picking your money back up.

8. jumping walking or running abnormaly as if you are half human half gorilla.

9. having the thought of if you die you can just start over at your nearest hospital.

10. anytime something unfortunate occurs, you are the first to yell WASTED...

11. Having Weapons Appear In Your Hands when you press the D pad to your life.
12. picking up empty coffee cups or brigs of the ground and throwing them at people.

13. having a reticule for when your aiming with a gun.

14. jump of buildings and parkour roll and only lose a little bit of your health bar. later on looking for a health pack that instantly wounds to broken knees and 12 guage shotgun wounds from the police when you stole his ride.

15. exspecting a purple dildo in the jail bathrooms.

16. look right then left then right again right before you smash the window of that silver porshce you always wanted to take for a spin.

17. inviting a whole bunch of your friends to gang wars, and let them run rampent in the streets.

18. stealing commercial airliners and listening to Rod Stewart while terroist attacking pirate's in men's pants.

19. doing drive by's on golf carts

20. killing thirty cops two helicoptors a couple of swat teams, some parachuting police force, and hiding behind a dumpster for 3 minutes while they forget what they were doing.

21. throwing moltotoves at hobo's.

22. running with $600,000 and an arsenal of weapons including rocket propelled gernade launchers at cars pace.

Grand Theft Auto Side Effects...
by Grantmei August 10, 2010
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this game has amazing quotes. (see below)
my compliments on a job well done mr teal.
please tommy, i hate the damn french.
gigglecream, because desserts should be funny.
tommy tommy i like fish, i love fish. but as much as i love them, i dont want to sleep with them!
your going down ya backstabbing prick!
just keep the camera pointed at the poontang.
you better start talking!
hey, can i borrow a knife?
rated 'R' for retarded.
we need some drugs pal!
screw you man.
man you the man man i like you man i like you a lot!
any time man cos you got big cojones and all my friends they have biiig cojones!
i want to hear you scrrrrrrream!
freeze asshole!
wheres your car hun?
ill be your medicine!
thank you.
ooh look a giant fish...
oh yeah oh yeah ooh yes yes YES ooooh!

beat that.
by tommy April 29, 2004
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going to be the best game ever when it comes out.
Girl: "Im bored, can I give you heads."
Me: "You slut, I am playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas right now, after I have beaten then you can, I promise."
Girl: "ok."
by gangster bling bling June 29, 2004
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Unlike the other people who give definitions for this game, who give wrong information or none at all, this is what its about. You play Carl Johnson(CJ), who returns to the state of San Andreas after 5 years in Liberty City. To make a long story short, CJ and his brother are betrayed by Smoke and Ryder, and CJ rescues his brother from jail and gets revenge on everyone...While doing TONS of other things and meeting TONS of other people.
The State of San Andreas has 3 cities;Los Santos,(Los Angeles)San Fierro,(San Francisco)and Las Venturas(Las Vegas).
In this game you are able to do tons more stuff than before; like lift weights, buy clothes, get tatoos, get hair cuts, gamble, and do tons of other stuff that would take all day to list. But they also made it gay by forcing you to eat or else youll starve.

AND FINALLY!!!!, You can swim instead of drowning upon contact with water!
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is great, but its fun to go back and play GTAIII and GTA Vice City as well.
by Buc Nasty July 13, 2006
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best game on PS2 i've ever played!

hijackings, killings,shootings,stealings,smuggling
I did ya wife...ya poor bastard!
by Tommy Vercetti February 5, 2004
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