Adjective used for one who is high on MDMA (Ecstasy)
"We weren't at the party for 10 mintues and he was hugging everyone and asking for light shows. He was so face."
by Kate December 19, 2003
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Face , someone respected , a chap , feared
See that man over there? he can have a proper fight he's a face around here!

(If someone is a face it means there known in the area as being someone to be feared and respected)
by topboy969 April 11, 2020
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The fag and dyke epicenter of Sacramento, CA. This nightclub is filled with AIDS and all kinds of staph infections.
Paullywog went to Faces one night because his fag hag friends made him go.
by crudmonkey October 29, 2020
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adv. used to intensify the word immediately preceding it; generally applied to forms of substance abuse, or the act of regurgitation
At Ko's party this weekend, I'm gonna drink FACE!

I got so hammered at that party, I puked face.

Roll up a blunt, I wanna poof (def. 2) face.
by EmperorKO February 18, 2003
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What someones says right after someone just got dissed.
by onlythecoolestrussell December 12, 2005
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A brutal example of trashtalk in which whilst playing halo, you proceed to smack down, shoot, bitchslap, stick with a grenade, run over your opponent somewhere in the general region of the face. Also used primarily when one is sniping like a pussy. Used frequently in correlation with with the elbow
Mid Air Bitch! In the face, come back here so i can kill you again.

What now, rocket IN THE FACE

Tell your mother i said hello, IN THE FACE! (wait a tick...)
by AtilaTheNun October 31, 2003
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An awesome word that can be substituted for any other word in the english language.
Portions of words can also be partially substituted. More extremely, face can also replace whole sentences.

Referring to someone's face instead of talking to them like they are a person is also accepted.
Example 1:
When is your face coming to my face for facing?
Translation: When are you coming to my place for games?

Example 2:
Glen's face says to ask your face if your face wants his face to order your face that Razor face.
Translation: Glen says to ask you if you want him to order you that Razor mouse.

Example 3:
Glen - Face?
Pearse - Face soon!
Glen - Are you awake yet and are you coming over tonight to watch Starcraft and if so, what time are you coming? Do you need a lift?
Pearse - Yes, I'm on my way and will be there soon.
by G Fordham March 1, 2009
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