A person,who always tells such obvious things that people around think he is really stupid.
Caps are usually ridiculed.
-If you drown now,you will not swim any more!
by As_you_want August 13, 2011
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eat these caps
by s September 9, 2003
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A slang term commonly used by members of Gen-Z to say that something is a lie. Similar to its variation “capping”, which is used to direct at another person who is a liar.
Person 1: Mom! Nick ate my ice cream!
Nick: That’s cap!


Teacher: Jack, are you sure your dog ate your homework?
Jack: Yes!
Bob: You’re capping, Jack! I saw you throw it in the recycling bin yesterday!
by ChickenScrxtch82 January 3, 2021
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When the internet usage is used up, and the speed of the internet is extremely slow.
I have 60GB a month and i used it all up! Damnit i'm capped!
by misscherrypop December 30, 2010
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insulting someone in a playful manner
Dude, I cannot believe you got capped on by a middle schooler. He burned you.
by zilenzer August 12, 2008
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