A bra constructed to inhibit the flopping of Floppers. A support for a woman's breasts that keeps them from flopping around.
I hope you remembered to wear your flopper stopper, Charmaine.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 18, 2005
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A sexual act in which a man is having sexual intercourse then he gets hungry so he decides to eat an apple. While he is eating the apple he has to ejaculate so he inserts the apple into the females vaginal opening so he can continue to have the sexuals......................Then he makes the woman eat the gizzy apple.
Man last night I gave that bitch in 4th hour an apple stopper last night.
by TheJamaican May 14, 2015
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1. When you see a hot photo on Instagram and it causes you to stop in awe.
2. When you stop scrolling on Instagram to like or comment on a photo.
3. Interesting and/or beautiful content on Instagram.
1. Everything in her feed is a scroll-stopper.
2. OMG, she’s so beautiful. Everything she posts is a scroll-stopper!
3. You should follow him. His feed is full of scroll-stopping content.
4. That photo of you and Jenny took in Partywith was a real scroll-stopper.
by _partywith September 23, 2018
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A statement said during a date, usually a first or blind date, that for one of the daters instantly assures that there will be no follow up call or second date.
A vegan female asks her blind date, "So, what are some of your hobbies? What do you like to do on the weekends?"

Her male date answers, "Well, I'm an avid hunter. Deer hunting is by far my favorite but I'll pretty much hunt anything in season."

The rest of the evening can vary after a Date Stopper statement, in some cases the date might contiue and end cordially. Other cases may end much more drastically, dramaticly and possibly include a very public spectacle!!! Either way, it's usually the last of any communication between the two
by Guerre March 15, 2012
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n. A land-to-air based rocket useful for destroying enemy Hinds, Cobras, and Chopper Gunners effectively angering people that worked to get a high killstreak.
Announcer: "Enemy Hind inbound."
Player 1: "Aw shit, does anyone have a Chopper Stopper?"
by Verroxi June 20, 2011
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When someone sends a text that ends a convo. It is either because that person doesnt like you, is busy, is boring, or is a jerk.
Bill- "Hey Sarah how are you today? :)"
Sarah- "lol"


Bill-"So Jenna I think we should like hang out or somethin"
Jenna- "k"

yeah these are T-Stoppers ^^
by TheTStopper December 1, 2011
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The stopper shit is a type of shit that takes a lengthy amount of time and egregious amounts of effort to push out, only for it to be tiny and often round. This shit’s namesake is due to it often being followed by a flood of diarrhea, hence it being a stopper, as it plugs the hole until removed.
“Man I’m not feeling well, last night I pushed out a stopper shit and damn near blasted half my guts out after.”
by AverageSchizo September 14, 2022
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