An older version of strong bad with a beer gut, a combover, a goatee, and a plastic grocery bag which could contain one of the following: Cold pizza, rotten vegtables, the shattered remains of his former life, or melty candy bars that he eats really noisily while standing to close to you in line.
He refers to men as women, and mumbles strange phrases. He runs a mortgage firm.
"Hi there Belindas"

"Hey, m'am, would you care for a slice of gum"

"Pardon me, m'am, could you help an old wintergreen gather his spectacles?"
by Spamaco Internationall July 12, 2005
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A dumb fatass who snores so loudly, it sounds like a category 10,000 hurricane from 2 rooms away, aka you could use "my dad".
Guy 1: bro i'm tryin to sleep here! What's up with your fucking dad!?
Guy 2-3: Dude cover your ears he's boutta go super sayin! Hes snore-addicted!
by ☆★Midas★☆ January 10, 2022
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Someone who is uninteresting, lame, can't take a joke, someone who is not worth your time, etc. It sometimes could refer to a fuck boy.
Friend 1: That boy is no good for you girl.

Friend 2: I know right he dates a lot of girls he is a #snore
by NewLingo December 21, 2016
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sleepind disorder (noise made by some while they sleep can be quiet or loud) can happen once in a while or every night
Tigger: What’s Donkey Boy Saying?
*ALF Snoring*
*Pooh and Friends Falls And Screams*
by MayDayMeh June 1, 2018
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in situations where you find yourself in a dull public setting or event...
Brian: Did you attend Lauren's Birthday at the Pacific Catch?
Alex: You mean that Snore Party? Yeah, I did. So many people there and the dead cod on my plate ended up being the life of the party...
by lorop September 21, 2023
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wife: ew did you just fart?
husband: nah hun, was a butt snore.
by eyepatchpete July 26, 2020
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When a fat guy goes to sleep and farts then sucks it back up.
His butt snores only smelled for a second, as he sucked them back up.
by MagiMash March 24, 2016
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