Where a stripper/lap dancer bends over in your face and sharts, leaving you with fecal debris on your upper lip.
Matt was in a strip club and that fat bitch left him with a shitler's lip and it cost him a dollar.
by Dave Matt Jay Emily Christa April 14, 2013
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1. This term comes from the word 'SHIT' and the name 'HITLER'. Adolf Hitler was the worst war criminal and genocidal mass murderer of all time.
2. Donald Trump. He waves his little hands about like a prissy-miss Little Hitler that he is. Everything he talks is juvenile SHIT.

3. any obnoxious authority figure (like a boss) who flaunts his weight around and acts like a shit-ass towards the people who work for him. He thinks EVERYONE should suffer and he thinks it 'builds character' but he's really a sadistic pile of dog SHIT.
1. He HATES Hispanics so bad - he keeps carping about building a Berlin-type wall to keep Latin Americans out of the USA. He delayed disaster relief to Texas, California and especially to Puerto Rico because of their large Hispanic populations. He claims they come to America and rape but he's done the EXACT same thing. He commits incest too. Hypocritical Shitler he is.

2. Trumpturd recently referred to Haiti, African nations and generally mostly-black populated countries as 'shithole' countries while expressing his desire for more immigrants from say Norway which are mostly white. This makes his racism VERY CLEAR yet HE'S the one full of shit. His opinions and actions on Hispanics, Muslims, Blacks, immigrants, Jews, Native Americans, women and others reflect his supremacist views. He was endorsed by David Duke the American Nazis in 2016. Trump is a Hitler, full of SHIT ---> so he is a SHITLER!!!
3. my supervisor takes shit from his higher-ups and then he trickles it down on our crew, the 'underlings'. He LOVES to see us under pressure and he LOVES to make us nervous all the time. It makes him feel good and macho but he is just an immature sadistic little Shitler who will never amount to anything!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 22, 2018
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Top poop in the upperdecker of a toilet and wait for the victim to flush
Oh man! My mom got Adolf Shitlered yesterday and we can't go in the house!
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The stripe/s (often resembling the shape of Adolf Hitler's mustache) left on the back of the toilet seat by an inconsiderate defecator
Phil left another shitler mustache on our toilet seat. I don't know whether he's a Nazi or just a regular asshole that doesn't bother to clean up after himself.
by bravestsirrobin June 9, 2015
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Adolf Hitler, but made of shit.

We all know Hitler is a piece of fuckin shit, so why not MAKE him an actual piece of shit! It's genius!
PenisLord666: Man, that hitler guy is a piece of SHIT.
PussyMaster007: Oh, You mean Adolf Shitler.
PenisLord666: Oh, ok
by Komoris May 5, 2021
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After some filthy anal sex, wipe ur dirty cock on her top lip and jizz in her hair.

Smooth down her hair in a Hilter style an the stand to attention, do a Nazi salute an shout "Heil Shilter!"
"Ah man, after I nailed Carneys mum in the ass I gave her the Ultimate Shitler!"
by BigTruck1981 April 11, 2010
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