to recieve a hummer in the morning after waking up with a coyote-ugly type beer goggle double wide one night recieve oral sex the morning after instead of totally chewing your arm off and leaving!!!!!
" James Yah! "Ted" decided to recieve a shasta mountain blowjob after partying at the dive bars he figured "midas well". ya he totally took one for the team that for sure!

"Ron" that Ted he belongs in the corrupt crew rr somthin!
by jazzzperzzblu February 17, 2010
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when one hits that point where they're fried out of their mind stoned, sometimes this can be good or very bad, such as when a person of your little green party becomes a heatbag. 2 examples will show the difference
Good!: "Dude, is it raining?" Gnome A
"No bro, but there goes a goat" Gnome B

Bad: The noob was so rasta shasta monasta fritasta'd after one joint that he began to hurl and was never invited to smoke again.
by The Kaiser of Shiza June 21, 2007
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When you wake up in the morning and you take a piss and its so much that it can almost fill a shasta soda bottle.
Wooooo I woke up this morning, ran to the bathroom and had to take a Shasta piss. I was standing there for almost 2 minutes striaght!
by Married2Success July 1, 2010
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A place bombarded with wannabe gang bangers, racists, nicotine addicts vaping all hours of the day, drama out the ass, everyones a pothead, and non motivational teachers.
If you wanna see some chicks ass hanging out her shorts, just go to Shasta HighSchool. There’s plenty there.
by Apawnie February 24, 2022
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Shasta is the quintessential East African girl to know, and all who know her are lucky to be in her presence. me means "Precious Water" in one of the East
African languages, and much like precious water itself, Shasta is one to be cherished and treated with love and care.
person 1: Who's that girl over there?
person 2: That's Shasta.
person 1: Wow, she must be an angel.
by azumarill39 August 6, 2019
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Description of a bomb chill ass day. Hella weed, hella water, and hella munchies
My day was very shasta
by Jahurd November 25, 2020
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