An anti-social soft male who doesn't much like beer, complains about everything, has no sense of humour and hates to see others having fun.

He may not actually even drink shandy as, most shandy drinkers prefer cola.
John didn't want to go to the pub as it was raining and he'd just washed his hair, then he called the police because of the party. He really is a shandy drinker.

The soft southern shandy drinking bastard.
by Ivor McIver January 12, 2004
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Phrase created by Mike Hoppett from United Kingdom.
June 2007


Members of the opposite sex that you find very attractive in some way that you feel the need to fantasize and masturbate while thinking of them.
Jane Fonda is definitly shandy candy in the film Barbarella.
by michael hoppett June 18, 2007
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A Drink made from a half of Stella and half a Smirnoff ice, created by a 2 fat pricks from Bradford.
Bob and chunk love a Turbo shandy..
by No divvys September 19, 2020
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Weed Shandy is the use of tobacco when rolling a joint or a spliff.

Similar to a Lager Shandy where lemonade is used to lessen the effect of alcohol.
"Yo! Why you putting tobacco in dat zoot man, I don't want to smoke no weed shandy!"

"I like that head rush I get from smoking unfiltered tobacco and makes my weed go further".
by ignite420uk October 22, 2016
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This vodka's pretty strong, better add some beer mixer and dilute it down and have a russian shandy instead
by mrtr0ll June 8, 2014
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1 shot vodka
1/2 pint Smirnoff ice
1/2 Stella Artois
Cosworth shandy will get you wankered faster than a turbo shandy
by Miteshc April 23, 2020
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