A Pixie is an evil version on a fairy...basically a bad fairy.
has wings and can be either male or female.
by Evil Pixie October 31, 2005
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A small Female at dick sucking height.
Normally with a Huge ass and Boobs bigger than her head.
The ass normally Large enough to where when she sits down the gets taller. "Pixis" tend to wear low-cut shirts to show off their titiesand love it when you pull down their shirts to expose her breast.
"Heather Knoblock is such a pixi."

"Her ass is huge."

"Lets try to pull off her shirt."
by HarleyxPosi September 1, 2007
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1. n Used in conjunction with the word "sticks", becomes pixie sticks, which are full of sugar and a general big time all around health food.
We were going to smoke cigarettes, but we didn't have any, so we decided to smoke pixie sticks instead. Dang, that sheet was good, yo.

I stole the little kid's pixie stick and punched him in the face.
by bob23432234 August 31, 2005
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Someone with incredible dexterity usually in the finger and thus good at gaming.
Man... he kicked my ass.... he plays like PiXiE
by Leto Atredies July 26, 2005
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to be tricked by a female (more commonly on the internet), where a verbal agreement for an exchange of something is made and she takes said object from you and leaves without providing her half of the bargain. The object agreed on maybe any number of things even admitting feelings. It can range from online currency or a picture.

Guy: hey we have been talking for hours,would u like to exchange pictures?
Girl: sure, let me send u one.
Guy: Ok I have one right here I will send it ok.
Girl: Oh wow you look cute. Very handsome.
Guy: wow thnx ok let me see yours.
Girl: oh im sorry i gtg .
Guy: wait send me the pic first!
Girl has just went offline
Guy: -.- I just got pixied.

Example 2:
Gamerboy1: Its been nice questing with u , i will add u as a friend so we can play later.
Videogirl: Hey do u have any mana potions i can buy?
Gamerboy1: Sure here u go , that will be 2gold.
Videogirl: Im sorry i gtg bye.
Gamerboy1 has just been pixied.
by HeroQQ February 26, 2010
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a petite, short, skinny, lots-of-makeup-wearing, fake, fried-hair, small bitch that prances around flaunting her tiny tits and is dumb.
Man, that bitch is such a pixie with her fake looks and tiny tits.
by kuhmandzzz November 12, 2010
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Pixie is a 6th grader attending to a Middle School(6-8). A pixie is usually a noob-sauce, weak-sauce, short, have tucked in pants, wares long socks, and always carries their roller backpacks around. Pixies in brunch/lunch time usually plays wall ball, skill, 4 square, tag, freeze tag, butts up (tennis ball game), roller backpack racing, and sometimes jump rope.
-Pixies in middle schools are the lowest of the low.
-Pixies usually goes to lunch earlier than 7th and 8th graders, but they always end up last in line cuase they always cut in front of the pixies, and gets picked on.

-Wow, lol I haven't noticed that the pixies in Miller Middle school gets shorter and shorter.
-Pixies at miller gets gayer each year.
-Wow, the school looks more spacious when the pixies are gone science camp!
by 8th Grader August 15, 2007
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