After a feisty bout of anal intercourse, having the female or bottom flatulate the freshly deposited semen out of a rectum and onto a wall or a canvas creating a spray pattern.
I gave it to her in the balloon-knot, and afterwards she bent over by the wall and made a greek picasso!
by badger80 September 27, 2007
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A woman whose knickers are too small for her, so she looks like she's got four buttocks.
by gbergman April 20, 2005
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When a bra is too small for the wearer, making the flesh fall out over the top of the garment and thus making the subject look as if they have four boobs.
"I wear my picasso bra when I want to get laid"
"We need to so shopping, all my bras are picassos."
by x_Jasper February 5, 2008
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The act of faking someone getting away with something. E.g. Someone may get robbed and pretend to walk away and then turn around and get their stuff across in a vicious fight
That woman got robbed but she uno picassoed them hard
by jerry atkins the nutty one January 6, 2022
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When you collect your mans nut in a jar over a long period of time and then decide to disperse the nut into smaller jars and add food dye to each one, changing the color of the nut. You then will buy a canvas and paint something solely out of his nut and when you’re finished, present it to him. The leftover “paint” you can either drink, cook with, or slather yourself in it.
random bruh: hey man! what did you do last night?

me: dude, my girl saved up my nut for over a year and made me a glazed picasso for our anniversary!
by grincxh May 25, 2020
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When you cum on the back,chest,or stomach of your woman and then draw pictures in it.
Dude, I came on her back and did a sticky Picasso with it!
by Tbabyqueen December 28, 2013
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When a person stands still for a moment admiring their own work.

A person standing still for a brief period of time admiring the work they've done instead of getting away from the potentially hazardous situation they're facing. The term usually applies to emergency responders.
That guy wouldn't have gotten hurt if he wasn't standing there doind his picasso pause when the building collapsed; Or the burning propane cylinder; or oncoming train; etc.
by S. Friedman November 13, 2005
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