One who will remain a virgin for life, due to greasy hair, plain black shoes and a drinking problem.
That Robert guy over there is sure a real perma-virgin.
by Bob February 12, 2003
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When a guy starts to get an erection but his penis does not become fully erect.
Did you see that girl before? She was so hot I was gettin perma chub.
by joey2324 October 6, 2009
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The permanent state of a typically gargantuan camel toe.
Have you seen Sally's cameltoe man?

Who hasn't? She's got a perma toe!
by Erin Scott March 3, 2007
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A yard sale or garage sale that last year round or that reoccurs frequently. Especially one that is always trying to sell the same items or caliber of items.
"MOM," Kyle said, "Pull over there is a juicy yard sale over there!"...... "Kyle," said his mom "I don't have any cash and that is a perma-sale anyways!"
by Justin Uther Guy August 22, 2022
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The state of being permanently altering your future or your body negatively, due to injury or a retarded decision.
I cut the nerves and tendons in my finger and now it's perma-fucked. I knocked a random girl up after a one night stand and now I'm Perma-fucked
by Bonnie's hubby May 4, 2017
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When someone gets shotgun permanently. The person with perma-shotgun dosen't have to call shotgun to have the front seat. They automatically have it.
"Shotgun." says Tori. "Sorry Tori, Jake has perma-shotgun."
by Jake Ridley September 7, 2007
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