Smoking large blunts. Or abnormally huge cigarettes.
No homo bro but we smokin penises
-Young Thug
by Jackeobyslapoyonnecrappy December 5, 2016
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1. when two penises touch

2. when you hang out with a male friend a lot, usually used from male to male
"hey man erik's hella cool"
"well why dont you go touch penises with him you like him so much"
by highknightjuice November 18, 2007
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Lavar BalI just went on ESPN and said he could beat Michael Jordan 1on1. He's over there smoking penises.
by JakePealy May 31, 2017
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A contemptable situation. Any despised turn of events. The phrase is used in a sarcastic tone and is intended as a portrayal of one's disgust for a given situation.
The vacation sucked. The RV broke down, the dog shit in the tent twice, the weather was hot, then rainy, and we were out of beer. Man, that trip was about as fun as a bouquet of penises.
by Frank Klaune November 24, 2004
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Mike: Hey man, you wanna come over and dangle penises? Maybe play some COD?

Joe: Penis dangling sounds great right about now, had a rough day at work today!
by brawlsack November 20, 2010
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A common condition that occurs in males.
Hey bro,you should have that checked out... I think you have small penisitis!
by wldcts July 29, 2006
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