A mind-blowing sandwich made with three rows of different nut butters spread vertically on one slice and three rows of different jellies/jams spread horizontally on the other slice. When the halves are joined, it results in an insanity-mode PB&J with NINE DIFFERENT FLAVOR COMBINATIONS!
I made my kid a 9-way PB&J for lunch today, and all the other kids bowed down to their new leader.
by finallygettingpublished September 20, 2020
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The act of rubbing peanut butter on your penis before having sex with your partner who is on her period. After sex she pushes everything out onto a piece of bread.
Tim: Hey Mike, what you having for lunch?
Mike: I got that Eastern European PB+J today.
Tim: You nasty
by Mr. PB+J September 24, 2021
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When giving a person a hand job and anally fisting them and they ejaculate in your hand. You then pull your hand out of their ass. Now with one hand covered in semen and the other covered in fecal matter, you slap them together to mix the mess on both hands. Finally, with your hands still together, you thrust them up the persons ass as fast and deep as you can.
Person 1: Dude this guy gave me a PB and J last night.

Person 2: That is disgusting...
by Ewikkkkkkkkkkk May 10, 2009
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Porn Break and Jerkoff. When you've been sitting in your dorm room staying up all night writing papers and assignments but need a wake-me-up, so you turn on some porn and jerkoff.
dude how'd you manage to stay up all night writing those papers?

easy man - just had myself a PB and J
by chameronman March 17, 2011
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a peanut butter and jam sandwhich, which has been squished, been, wet, or in other words, made gross (dank)
if you were to have a pb+j in your backpack, and it is squished somehow, that my friends, is a dank ass pb+j
by JAMSIEE September 16, 2011
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Penis, Balls, and Jizz, a tasty treat.
All my dad gave me for lunch was a PB and J...
by Synister Spade March 14, 2019
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