Ohio. Look at the ground beneath your feet. Look at the water in your glass, or even the oceans. Yeah, Ohio. How didn't you know?
Random person: "Hey, can you give me directions to Ohio?"
Me: "Well, your already here."
by SouthernPride... December 8, 2020
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Ohio - noun - The ultimate in suck. When something, someone, or somewhere sucks so much that you can't think of a word strong enough to define the magnitude of suck, then it becomes Ohio. The term stems from the endless bevy of suck that comes out of Ohio. People like "comedian" Drew Carey, General George Custer, and author Zane Grey all in fact have sucked at their professions and life in general. Cleveland sucks. Cincinnati sucks. The sports all really suck. Especially Ohio State. Why? Because Ohio State sucks. Therefore, ipso facto, and ergo, Ohio is the suckiest suck that's ever sucked.
Hey, did you check out that performance by the Bengals against the Jets? Man, that was Ohio.

Dude, did you see Joe pissed in his bed last night? He's so Ohio.

We should go on a vacation to anywhere but Ohio. Ohio is Ohio, for real.
by Burnsy&Kimmel January 13, 2010
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Quite possibly the most worthless of the lower 48 states, Ohio boasts flat, featureless terrain populated by flat, featureless people. There are also quite a few cows. Ohio is the worst place to drive through for a number of reasons:
1. Nothing to look at
2. Nowhere decent to stop and eat
3. People from Ohio drive the speed limit in the left lane
4. Ohio cops will pull over out-of-state drivers for doing 3 over the speed limit (I shit you not)

Ohio can also be dangerous due to it's proximity to Michigan. You never know when a couple of Michigan Milita members might suddenly realize the Thumb is a penninsula and that they can leave at any time to go South, back to their redneck homeland.

Avoid Ohio if at all possible.
I would rather be molested by a hepatitis infected mandrill than spend a day in Ohio.
by Stan Von Kotin June 8, 2004
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17th state in the Union.(1803)Home of Ghoulardi and some of the best ethnic food anywhere. The best part is, we don't have Gray Davis or Hillary Clinton to worry us.
I live in Ohio.
by tradesman September 13, 2003
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Geographically, the armpit of America. The drivers suck, the people suck, in general the entire state sucks.
I live in Ohio, thus I voted for Bush.
by reddqueen February 14, 2005
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1. Toilet of the Midwest
2. Home of Fangboner Road - as seen from the Ohio Turnpike
3. A wooded wonderland that is confusing if you get lost.
4. Oh yeah, Cedar Point is there, too.
Thanks for catching Lake Erie on Fire, Ohio!
by ILoveThom'sChickenDance October 25, 2003
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All the people on the Oregon Trail who didn't quite make it to Oregon.
"Shit, we didn't make it to Oregon. I guess we're stuck in this hellhole. Let's call it Ohio."
by Rachel Cloone October 16, 2007
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