This School is the worse fucking school ever! how do I know coz I want there for five fucking years, really who the hell would give me James Smith sponsored awards in ICT and ICT Des Tech lol, well I would but a school, it was official I was the most average person in the school lol
James Smith Unique, thinks for his self, lady’s man lol
by James "Mr X" Smith January 18, 2004
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Norton’s number is a constant in graph theory defined as Graham’s number + 1.
Norton's number ends in an 8.
by Physi3 January 2, 2023
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The unofficial mascot of Norton Antivirus, has balding hair, Likes to wear spandex that says norton on the butt, His catchphrase is "Norton will take care of that",
Watch out viruses Nickie Norton is HERE!
by chiefsmallinpant April 7, 2011
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A scam that is completely ineffective at defending your computer from an MBT.
Person: MBT incoming!
Tank: (shoots 105mm armour piercing round at computer, annihilating it)
Person: Damn... I should have known that Norton Antivirus sucked.
by hello your computer has virus November 18, 2021
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where people get their weed, and lose their virginity over 10 times a week.

commonly reffered to as the ghetto. Where a lot of ghetto stoners reside.
dude I have a great time in Norton, Virginia.
by moelesterrrr February 22, 2011
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A small town with little excitment....the east side is know for it's doul dossing scum and it many suicidal, BB gun, spray can and all those 'hard' man antics!!! (Yea right)

The new estates are full of perfectly obnoioux scum families who think they area ace becuase they lived on the over populated new estate!
The chiipy is about the best thing in norton. Norton Canes primary school is the worst!
by iamfreshasaduck June 15, 2009
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norton, massachusetts is a small town that is only known by the people that live in it. if you grew up here, you don't talk about it. everyone's got a dealer on speed-dial. you can get drunk, grab a coffee, chill at the elementary school, go to the library ( which is closed ), and walk to the rehab-center, all within one-hundred feet. high-school kids drive their shitty cars, and think they're badass. middle-school kids just think they're badass, and start drama with anyone they can. emo|gothic kids are known as vampires, boys play girls more than they do cod, and you're known as a slut if you have sex before you're married. friday nights are the party nights, there's usually about three kids that have a party every weekend. saturday is your basic chill day, hangout with your closest friends ; do whatever. people smoke mad amounts of weed, but will deny it. norton is a place where kids do lines off the lunch tables, flip chairs to make a scene, and throw paper at teachers cause they think it's funny. it's a place where kid's make up awesome words like "biddie". facebook is basically your life if you live here. if you have a problem with someone, you are too scared to say it to their face ; so you say it online. girls refer to the phrases "like, coool." or "wowww," if they don't like someone. almost 57% of sophmores and juniors drop out before they graduate. if you're up for chilling at the same mall eight weekends in a row, then come here. norton sucks, point. blank. period.
kid1 : "dude, she's from norton, ma."
kid2 : "haha, screw that biddie."
kid1 : "ikrrr"
by an average norton teen. March 13, 2010
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