Blowjob, head, dome, getting ya dick sucked
"Just got some nog nog"

"That bitch is good at nog nog"
by Rick March 17, 2004
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Just another word for getting a blowjob. From the word "noggin" which is another word for head.
Alex: Bro, I'm tryna get nogged tonight!
John: Same yo.

Girl: You boys tryna get nogged?
Alex & John: Hell yeah!
by jayharris14 June 13, 2014
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the act of drinking egg nog, purchasing egg nog, or anything to do with the holiday beverage

;also a clever sexual innuendo
1) Kristian is nogging Sarah on the couch in the living room.
by Metaxas January 10, 2009
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Your friend or someone your dating. Not meant to be a racial or racist term in any way shape or form no matter the context in which its used.
Yo Jen, are you going out with your nog tonight?

Your nog is super fly looking.
by snapcracklepop42 February 26, 2021
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A drink popular in the United States and Canada and closely associated with Christmas made from beaten eggs, sugar, cream and any of a choice of spirits. The original drink, however, came from the county of Norfolk in England and was made from eggs and a particularly strong ale called nog, presumably because it went straight to your noggin.
“I tried some original egg nog made to the Norfolk recipe.”
“What was it like?”
“Disgusting, same as the other stuff.”
by AKACroatalin December 27, 2016
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A spicy holiday drink made from cinnamon, nutmeg, cream, and ejaculate. To prepare; pour cream into your partner's mouth, sprinkle on cinnamon and nutmeg, then drop a load and sweeten to taste.
Jason: "Sarah, what's your favorite thing about the holidays"

Sarah: "Hmmm... Well, I love cuddling up in front of the fire with a mug of your spunky smegg nog!"
by terminal2 December 21, 2008
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Apparently a drink enjoyed by a lame scene girl with a shitty hair baret, see: The picture above this entry.
Wow, that girl really likes Crunk Nog, I bet she'd suck us off.
by xSKx August 13, 2007
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