Somebody does this when they are in an awkward situation, feel guilt or are under pressure. They also make a strange noise and tug on their collar to indicate that they are uncomfortable. This often happens in "The Simpsons"
Homer did the collar tug when he was giving a speech and everyone booed
by collartugger May 31, 2011
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See Pop the Collar.

A thing people do to imitate Count Chocula and his infamous Choclatey Popped Collar, otherwise commonly referred to as ChocoPop. But they fail to realize that they aren't the Count, and so they just look like fags.
I was eating cereal one day when I happened to notice the prevalent popped collar of Mr. Chocula.
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Technology workers of any economic class who work from the comfort of their homes and typically wear their pajamas while they do so.
Chris quit the blue collar job for a pajama collar job to spend more time with the family and make a living at the same time.

Pat quit the white collar job for a pajama collar job that pays better.
by ikdd January 19, 2010
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A phrase used when someone is talking smack to you. Quite possibly the best phrase to stop a conversation ever. There is no sufficient come back for this
Man im about to beat you like a stepchild.

Woa woa collar that dog !
by JParker June 17, 2008
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Taking a dump, poop, shit. Squeezing one out.
Gabe: “yo man, hold up, I gotta go pop a collar son.”
Gus: “aiight dude, don’t pop it too hard.”
by ReggiSnz April 29, 2018
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adjective: working class. I don't know how it became OK to equate blue collar with redneck. I was born and raised just a few miles west of Manhattan (I'm from New Jersey); I don't wear a mullet or a wife beater; I don't drive a pickup truck; and I am an unabashed and unashamed liberal. I am not a redneck; I am blue collar, a member of the working class, and damned proud of it.
redneck: ah hate niggers, jews, catholics, librals, commies, rich people, and anyone else who's not like me.
blue collar: I work with my hands to create the goods and services that people in my community need. I may be of any race, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. Without people like me, this country would cease to exist as we know it.

"I work, therefore I am." Rene Descartes, philosopher and laborer
by earpuller November 13, 2005
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flipping up the collar of a shirt most likely a polo means normally your a pimp or just a prep
that guys pimpin that popped colla'!

Ever since i can remember I've been poppin my collar

Uh oh hes poppin the collar hes in playa mode
by Jakizzle March 21, 2006
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