A term referring to a subclass of left Libertarians. Term denotes their single-minded support for drug legalization. Muh weed libertarians are either too stoned to consider, or willfully ignore, the property rights principles forming the core of libertarian philosophy.

Can be hear proclaiming “Duuuuuuude, Gary Johnson!”
Looking up from Reason magazine, Brad proclaimed , “Government imposed social justice is fine, as long as they don’t mess with muh weed.”
by Paleorothbard January 11, 2018
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an ebonic term referring to ones son or a young family member or friend
"Yo dats muh seed right durr. He gon grow up to be da baddest boss balla to ever walk deez streets, yahm sayin?"
by Sam R. I. January 9, 2007
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Gangster termonology for the very popular mother fucker
"Skeet skeet muh fukka!"

or my own variation...

"Trick or treat muh fukka!"
by Matt Diddy Dawg November 10, 2004
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The collection of lint in one's navel.
"I found cashmere muh-muh today."
by Clara W January 19, 2004
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1.) messed up beyond recognition
2.) used in exageration for a sprain or pulled muscle
Dude, i fell on my hand yesterday and now it's all like muh-nangled now.

Billy: I heard you got in a wreck?
David: Yeah, my car got muh-nangled

Mike and I egged old man Johnson's house last night, his house looks so muh-nangled now.
by monkeyAEEK March 30, 2006
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the best youtuber in the world, and a crazy piano tiles player
Guy 1: Yo yo yo bro did you see muh uhh's video about failing no nut november? i really hope he makes an update this year. Guy 2: Yeah me too bro.
by Asshole999 March 30, 2022
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a high school located in Milwaukee, WI full of tools that live off of their parents money. They don't know a female if she were laying butt naked in front of them. They pretend to be all intense about sports but they truly do suck. Their fans don't even know how to watch sports. They all take it up the ass from each other.
I go to Marquette.. Cheerleading practice was SO intense yesterday. I got to look up my male flyers skirt and someone wasn't wearing any underwear! Oh yeah, and group shower after. I was failing class too, but my daddy just gave the teacher some money so now I have an A. Best day ever. I love MUHS!
by muhshockeysucks January 29, 2011
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