The Northern California county starting on the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge. Known for its natural beauty, wealthy and famous residents.
We're driving to Marin this weekend.
by Kangarooos March 16, 2010
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The only people to get the job done right.
Hey, you don't see the Army protecting the President of the United States.. do yah?

didn't think so..
by marines for life!! April 19, 2004
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A proud member of the finest fighting force in the world. One who is able to laugh off the stupid and weak members of other forces who use misspelled words in their definitions, because he knows that while you're sitting at your keyboard trying to learn how to spell, he's showing your girlfriend/wife what it's like to be with a real military man...
"You're a Marine? Thank God. I'm glad you didn't say Navy. My husband is in the Navy and all he talks about is having sex with other men. Can we go to your place?"
by MarineGunny November 7, 2007
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name used in croatia and romania.
in romanian it means of the sea.
can be for female or male but mainly male when it comes to croatian and romanian.
Hi my name is Marin, i was born in Croatia.
by Marin ;-) February 17, 2010
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the best dam fighting force in the world. a marine always stands his ground and fights until the very end. when a marine runs out of ammo he dosent worry he just pulls out his knife. a marine is the worst person to start a fight with. a marine will slautger any enemy that gets in his/her way

army soilder: sarge wat r we goin to do theres hundreds of enmy soliders closing on our postion.

army sarge: dont worry the marines our on the way to help
by tyler p. February 22, 2008
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A girl that is the most beautiful girl ever. She is defined as one with curly hair, and incredibly talented academically and musically. It is very easy to fall in love with her, beware. She is characterized as funny, smart, and beautiful. So far there is only one known in existence, and always will. Do not let her get on your bad side; it will not end well, based on observations. Studies show that she is able to blend into crowds easily to those who do not know her but stick out very much for those who like her.
Friend1: Woah! She sticks out in crowds. It's too easy to see her.
Friend2: Well, that must be a Marin. I can't see her too well. Eye doctor?
by anasplatyrhynchos March 20, 2013
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The best branch of the US Military. They live and fight like soldiers and airmen, but they talk like sailors.
Soldiers: We fight on land

Airmen: We attack from above

Sailors: We fight on Sea

Marines: We do everything the other guys do. We just do it better.
by BoazN November 15, 2006
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