A way to smoke when you forgot the bong . When you are squatting taking a shit in a Hong Kong toilet use the toilet paper roll and pack it full of green .
Trent : "oh no I forgot the bong!"
Thomas : "don't worry I'll make a Hong Kong Bong"
by Jointy Smokes July 21, 2018
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Is a group you automatically enter by living in Hong Kong, being a kid, and going out drinking (usually at Sunny's, LKF, or Wan Chai). Kids in this group usually drink, smoke, vape, and do other drugs. Originally made up in Skibs' song Hong Kong Kids, but has been a lifestyle for a lot longer that the song.
Person 1: I went on holiday to Hong Kong. Hong Kong Kids are so great to hang out with.
Person 2: Aren't they all druggies?
Person 1: Yes they drink and smoke and do other stuff but they're still really fun and totally normal at school.
by Hong Kong Kids July 24, 2017
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An elite exclusive facebook organisation that seems to always have an opinion on everything while complaining about first world problem.
"Do I let my helper sit on the sofa?" Said a Hong Kong Moms
"Should I pay for my helper's visa fee ?" Hong Kong Moms,2020
"Does anyone have good school recommendations on kindergarten that will teach 4 languages to my 3 year old?" - Hong Kong Moms
by Sxper_Fixer May 2, 2022
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It's a joke. Hong kong is now run by dictatorship, namely CCP. Police are overpowered.
Carrie Lam: hey Xi, wanna hear a joke?
Xi: yeah
Carrie Lam: wanna have some hong kong autocracy for lunch ? hong kong is a free country ;)
by Gfhgsdgm July 4, 2020
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A nasty - but fortunately fictional - venereal disease mentioned in dirty jokes; which causes one's dong to rot and fall off after a few days.
"You Western doctors always want to cut, cut, cut! No need! That not how we treat Hong Kong Dong. You wait two, maybe three days, he fall off all by himself."
by Duke Fenton January 10, 2022
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When you laugh so hard you fart, then laugh harder.
Yea Jimmy starting Destroying Hong Kong in the middle of class it was hilarious.
by Karateflame2 January 7, 2017
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The Hong Kong shlong is a man who constantly beats his meat, similar to a coomer, but he beats it so much and so violently that it could be compared to China’s police beating Hong Kong protesters
Bro I’ve got a Hong Kong shlong, literally my balls turned purple
by The Scoundrel October 29, 2020
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