A teenager who isnt defined; Eg: A bit of everything. Not a goth, emo, chav, girly girl, slut, scene kid, ect, but a variety of all those things.
Siobhan: Im a goth & emo!
Demi: Im a scene kid!
Lisa: Im a rock chick!
Marta: Im a girly girl!
Stacy: Im a chav!
Sophie: Im not anything in particular, im ALL of those things! Im an it kid!
by It-Kid. March 5, 2008
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something i plan on being forever.
adult: im so mature look at my i am so cool.
kid: fuck it.
by kid August 9, 2003
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general term for "the gay community" used by homosexuals when referring to other homosexuals as a group.
"Let's go down to the gay club and see what the kids are doing"

"The kids gave me too much tonight gurl"

by BlkChicago79 March 31, 2006
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An expression used in the music industry which means: To completely reinvent your style of music. This originates from the Radiohead album of the same name in which they completely reinvented their music.
1) Visually Impaired Placenta's new album is a complete Kid A.

2) Coldplay have done a Kid A.
by Wallamanage July 29, 2005
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To get gotten, to bamboozle
Just got kidded so hard when the boss called and said, "I need you to come into work right now."

She kidded you so hard when she wouldn't let you touch her butt.

Work called, you're kidded again.

Called work back and said, "sorry i've had too many beerzzzz i cant come in." Kidded the s*%t out of them.
by bigf06kingboys April 21, 2017
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