A tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500's about two star-crossed lovers. Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are the main characters who come from feuding households. They meet at a Capulet party and fall in love almost immediately. But their love is forbidden to be because of the family feud. So sets the basis for the plot and, ultimately, the tragedy. The story takes these two through twists of drama and pain as they struggle to find peace in a world where there is only hate. READ IT! IT's GOOD!!!
Romeo and Juliet famous quote:

My only love sprung from my only hate!
Too early seen unknown, and known too late!
-Romeo and Juliet act 1 scene 5.
by MyRomeo...<3 July 6, 2009
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Juliet Joslin, now Juliet Casablancas, is the manager of NYC-based rock band The Strokes and wife of Strokes lead singer Julian Casablancas. The two wed February 5, 2005.
"Man, I'm so jealous of Juliet Joslin for snagging Julian Casablancas!"
by Maja April 12, 2006
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In the Army, the 11 series is for Infantry. An 11 Juliet is a joke in the Army... 11 Juliet means you are an Infantry Janitor... an Infantryman who is cleaning more than he is killing.
We all turned into 11 Juliet's when First Sergeant decided it was time for Spring Cleaning.
by Holloway11b December 9, 2010
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A play that gets more impossible to read the older it gets. Every 9th grade English class has to read it and the teachers love to assign a test for every act, an essay, and lost scene. The story is about two attractive teenagers that have a secret marriage and have sex then they both get really emotional and overdramatic and die. Your best bet to surviving it is to buy a No Fear Shakespeare book.
Student 1: have you started reading Romeo and Juliet?
Student 2: Yeah. We have a test on act 1...
Student 1: Don't worry, the plot is really easy to understand but for some reason the test has quotes that no one remembers...
by Tellatubb May 28, 2012
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A marine code for nigger juice from the HBO series Generation Kill
Hey man give me a sip you that November Juliet.
by Geaux Tigers August 13, 2008
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Someone: She sounds so dumb!
Me: Just like Romeo and Juliet!
by Iamarealperson February 17, 2022
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Two fucked up, whiny ass bitches that killed themselves insteaf of running away
Male 1: Yo! Who does to bitches crying over there?
Make 2: Oh that’s Ken and Sarah. They are such a Romeo and Juliet couple.
by GangstaBlasta119 May 18, 2018
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