The extremely slow president who can't walk up the stairs. I'm surprised he got into office. often called the pedophile who likes children to rub his leg hair. the stairs represent his presidential career it never gets anywhere
stop acting like a Joe Biden I don't like slow people.
by smartaleckcentral April 4, 2022
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Biggest idiot on the planet!

He wants to let a bunch of illegals into the country, wants to give away a bunch of free stuff to useless lazy ass people who refuse to work while everyone else that works has to pay for that free stuff, wants to defund the police so they end up getting paid no money and even can't afford to work, and end up losing their jobs so we have no one to protect us.

He also has dementia, so he doesn't even know where he is the majority of the time, he sniffs little girls hairs, not kidding! There are videos of him touching and sniffing little kids innapropriately, and he was elected 46th president of the United States, all though it won't matter because the dumbass is a puppet anyway, the democrats are gonna be the ones calling the shots telling him what to do and say.

Kamala Harris is no better, she was elected the first female vice president, and wants to take away everyone's 2nd ammendment rights and ban all guns.

This country is fucked now that Biden is the president, he is gonna send us plummeting into the ground, this country will eventually become communist and socialist, and we'll all end up in poverty!

It's all thanks to the dumbass liberals and democrats who voted for him!

P.S. Biden has been in politics for 47 years and hasn't done shit...
Person: Yay! Joe Biden won! I'm so happy, he is gonna do so many great things!

Me: shut up! He's a worhtless piece of shit, and a pile of garbage! He'll destroy this country and kill us all!
by Jtoni2001 December 4, 2020
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He is a sussy baka who knows nothing, and is being controlled by the democratic team to make America trash
bob: who is the crappiest president.
jim: Joe Biden, the foolish puppet for the Democrats
bob: ik
by oirugtoierghmvrui February 21, 2022
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Former Vice President of the United States and career politician. Known for:
-Doing absolutely nothing in almost 50 years
-siding with rioters and looters
-coddling with communists like the Chinese Communist Party
-taking orders from radicals like Pelosi
Maybe not choose rich ppl to run next timr
Antifa: cHeEtOmAn bAd vOtE bIdEn rEeEeE
Sensible US citizen: how about you learn how to do research and quit voting rich, old white people into government offices? We're sick and tired of puppets like Joe Biden running the show, regardless of party.
by S1St3RS15T3R69 December 8, 2020
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Americas biggest sex offender and pedophile around. Too many people voted for him, hell even dead people voted for him, and now the world is shit.
Wow whoever voted for Joe Biden screwed everyone including themselves! I wouldnt let my kids anywhere near Mr. Sniffles aka Joe Biden
by SquarebodyChevyLover43 April 30, 2021
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