n. Habitually poorly-attired soul who has chosen to sink below society's infrastructure into a murky world where freedom is all.

So, you coming to the Debutante Ball?

No. I'm going to put some filthy clothes in a sack with a soggy loaf of bread and get into the hobo life.
by gnostic3 March 7, 2015
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An extremely awesome man (or woman) who lives on the streets of a nearby town or city. They like having children sit on their laps and occasionally enjoy a moonlit stroll in the park with a fellow friend.
That guy is awesomely living on the street; he must be a hobo!!
by Brikiquita April 25, 2010
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homeless person { a person who doesn'thave a home to live in}
she got chased by a hobo....
by Krazy T June 30, 2005
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a band. HOBO stands for high on body odor.
makes kick ass songs such as, "the color green" and "i live in a box"
started by diana
i went to a HOBO concert last night and almost cried, i was so happy. \m/
by ticonmyderoga January 8, 2005
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Ragged individual that travels illegaly on freight trains. Most commonly found hiding in railyards. known to be alcoholics.
Man crackron (Akron) is full of hobo's
by mike kodish October 20, 2003
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you're a hobo * bla*
diz drink tastes hobo * bla*
aww ur soo hobo *yay*
by KaSia January 3, 2005
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1) someone/friend who keeps on clinging on to you when s/he needs something. Especially food/money. And when you have nothing to give he would just scram and leave as if s/he doesn't know you.

2) A beggar; worst than a stray cat

3) A beggar with a bitchy attitude

4) A whore/slut
Lia: Hey, do you know that skeeze?
Faye: Who? That guy?
Lia: Yeah
Faye: Definitely, that guy is a HOBO!


Nika: That F***ing HOBO!!
Daphne: What happened??
Nika: He slept with me last night and when I woke up this morning my wallet/purse is gone and so as all my money!
Daphne: Damn!

HOBO: so hungry...
Stray cat: *eating some fish from a garbage can*
HOBO: give me that you stupid cat!!
Street cat: meow!
by WhatTheHellAreYouLookingAt!! January 28, 2009
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