The bulge that results when a man dressing in Drags tucks his package too far back and it pops out from behind whenever he bends over
"Yo, check out the Trailer Hitch on that Britany...homie could tow my snowmobile!"
by Uncle McFlirty October 29, 2023
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Originated in Downsville, NY
Asking someone to move over
Dude can you hitch over and give me some room
by Kennykenny16 March 4, 2018
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To get an erection.
Bob made out with tina and his friend asked him did you hitch a tent? ( erection)
by Wow123456789 September 27, 2013
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Party thrown to celebrate a divorce. Opposite of a bachelor party.
"Now that he's free, we gotta throw a hitch party"
by Director of Urban Ops September 14, 2010
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secular version of a godfather, who teaches a child not what to think, but how to think.

In Memory of Christopher Hitchens (1949 - 2011)
"His Hitch-father explained that circular reasoning is not evidence for the validity of the Bible."
by theirishfrog December 22, 2011
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Hitch is the one girl from AOT and is Annie Leonhart's girlfriend
"omg Hitch Dreyse is so hot"
"ik right"
by mikasaackermansgfcannon June 21, 2021
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When a girl is on her knees giving a blowjob and she puts her arm between your legs and puts her hand in a hitch hiking position and puts her thumb up your ass.
That girl gave me a hitch hiker, and i got the best of both worlds.
by Matt Gilberg (Dream Team February 16, 2005
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