This word is defined as an extreme congratulations or gesture of appreciation . Tends to be used within very close, elite, and royal circles. Is sometimes used among the 'ultra-affluent', aristocracy. Originated in the times of Pope Gregory VII, where the concept of Gregorianism, began to take center stage in upper society.

Juliously is not a word, yet Gregoriously is.
"The Royal Office and Household of HRH Princess Pope Friedman, Gregoriously congratulates you on your global achievement."
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Gregory's are someone who is sexy asf and has a massive cock! good looking and loves to cuddle but doesn't mind doing a little something while yall cuddle. Gregory's love pussy and love to fuck so be ready ladies bc they are sex machines at heart but coincidentally have huge hearts as it is.
by ThicccccccccccBitch69 May 28, 2018
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1. Sitting alone in your locked room all the time. Usually depressed because the people you live with look at you as if you're a cockroach.

2. The opposite of gregarious.

3. Etymology: "Gregor" the main character from Kafka's The Metamorphosis - story of a young man who wakes up a cockroach, is shunned by his family and retreats into his room alone where he dies.
My gregorious brother hasn't left his room for days and must be getting tired of smelling his own shit.
by the cheese man January 27, 2014
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To Do or Say something without cognitive reasoning, Word Used in the North East of England UK, Notably in the Washington area
Pulling a Gregory " I was waiting for the police to call me so I purposely avoided all activities that include showering" to which I replied " how many activities other than showering do you know that include showering?"

a Gregory can be used in random and spontaneous factual information such as "apparently last week there was an ice creme van in Durham" end of story
by steven cuthill November 5, 2010
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Sex-like, relating to sex. From the Latin "gregrius", belonging to sex.
Watching the train enter the tunnel in the side of the mountain brought to mind what a gregorious scene it was.
by ReneeFromAngelfire January 8, 2008
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Cockney rhyming slang: Gregory Peck - neck. (Becoming out dated now though.)
by Brucester September 10, 2006
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Some kind of drug that The Boss Ricky Ross mentions in the song Maybach Music 2.

Sellin’ reefer, even Gregory I’m on my dinner...”
That Gregory got me twisted yo.
by Lazarusrevives October 25, 2017
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