A term/prefix used to describe any thing that causes a feeling of positive stimulation throughout the central nervous system. An etymological cousin of gnarly and gnardeath.
"That shwag is to gnarkill-overboard-man-at-sea to handle"

"Damn, that girl is hot, shes practically the lord of gnarington"

"are your parents retards, your special"
by shwagtonian420 July 19, 2003
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-That is a gnar picture
-I told him to make a gnar face
by Gwyn May 11, 2003
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used to describe, usually, a gnarly trick, or like a gnarly truck with a 15 inch lift. Sometimes may be used to describe a friend who is radical or even maybe a little bit crazy. Not used by the RSR, only when making fun of "bros" at the volcom wherehouse party.
"Bro Bro, ur 10 inch techlite lift is sooo much bettter than my new offroad tires...ure truck looks sicky gnar gnar"

"Loic is sooo much mo sicky gnar gnar than Scott"

Black jesus says "oooooooooohhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!"

"that black jesus had some sicky gnar gnar crack cocaine"
by Loic May 10, 2005
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Gnar represents a feeling, when someone around you, a stranger or a friend, is behaving in a way that is making you feel ashamed for them.
by al3ct4 February 27, 2009
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sicky gnar gnar is totally agg bro. like totally sick like my f-150 with 10 inch lift!!
"Bro, did you see that skin tat on the bro on the dirt bike? it was totally sicky gnar gnar!"

"Bro that Famous Stars and Straps shirt is sicky gnar gnar bro!!!"
by Bro April 20, 2005
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Anything you can shred
I just shredded the Gnar. (I just skiied quite well on powder)

I need to go shred the gnar (I have to go take care of business)
by Katherine Humberson April 16, 2007
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Usually something that is gross or weird
You see that chick? she was looking as gnar as my dead grandmother.
by Jackson Bla June 13, 2007
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