Freddy is an amazing guy. Any girl who is in his arms is very lucky. He is sweet, awesome, funny, and cute. His hair flips perfectly and his smile makes a girl melt to the floor. If you don't melt after his smile you have no soul!! He is always there for his friends. He makes the perfect boyfriend. He doesn't think he is but he is HOT! Like, damn!!! He is very brave, when he likes someone he goes for it, no hesitation.
by Auria N. June 19, 2018
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freddy is a guy that will be the most amazing friend in the world. hes the kind of friend that will never let you down. hes always there if you need him to be. he has a scary obsession with harry potter. if you meet a freddy consider yourself lucky , because once this guy is your friend you will have him there until the end. its very hard to get in fights with a freddy because even if you are wrong he will say you are right just to make you happy. freddy is a super funny guy and he will always want to hang out with you. overall, freddy is an amazing person.
"man, i wish i had a friend like freddy"
by urban.shishter July 12, 2018
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Freddy is slang term for Yaba speed pill - drug popular in SA asia.

It derives its name from Fred Flintstone saying yabba dabba doo. Thus taking the name of the creator of the word Yaba and using it instead because saying Yaba is very dangerous and taboo. It makes it far easier to talk about in public and around asians.
Do you wanna go back to your room and smoke some freddy?

You got any freddy on you? wanna go and do it in the toilet?

Looks at him he's got freddy eyes..haha Come to freddy eyes.
by bluku88 November 20, 2012
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Used when you’re confused, but you have to say it louder than you usually talk, and fast fREaDDDY
Person 1: “Ouch, that Shit HURTED
Person 2: “FREDDY?”
by Frederic’s Brother November 20, 2018
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Busying yourself using your hand ;)
He’s been freddieing for the last 2hours, must be getting painful now.
by Handwizard October 16, 2020
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1. Slang for douchebag or idiot; someone who is indecisive.

2. A sweet, sexy, freakishly tall, dark haired, gorgeous, freak who's main goal in life is to lead on girls and break their hearts and has an unusual, queer fettish for hats or beanies.
1) Girl1: Wow, he just called me a disgutingly hideous and obese platypus.
Girl2: Seriously? Dude, he called me a repulsive cactus the other day.
Girl1: OMG, what a Freddy!

2)Girl1: What's wrong, why are you crying?
Girl2: Nothing..
Girl1: Was it a Freddy who made you cry?
Girl2: Yes it was ..
by Blubberbutt69 March 10, 2012
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