The month woman won't touch there own vagina and feel that pleasure of that warmth but No Finger February is going to save the day
(Girl 1) Looks like it's No Finger February

(Girl 2) yep sucks for us
by Apparently hers December 3, 2020
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No finger February is where girls can’t finger themselves starting february first
you can’t finger yourself it’s no finger february
by heycoolgirl January 29, 2021
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NFF (No Finger February) is the day where girls can't masturbate at all. No finger shall be close to the vagina at all, you can't touch it at all! If you do then you lose NFF (No Finger February)
Girl: omg hey did you here it's NFF?

Boy: what's NFF?

Girl: it's No Finger February girls can't masturbate at all
Boy: oh kinda like NNN (No Nut November) but for girls haha sucks for you
by I fucked your dog January 24, 2021
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Girls are not allowed to finger themselves all the month of February it’s just like no nit November but for girls
Wow girls must hate no finger February like guys hate no nut November
by Pizzaboy6942085 June 4, 2022
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