When a man sleeping with dirty women who have toonie sized nipples uses a plunger to plung out her asshole and sticks it in her to give her pink eye
Last night I was dirty dickin some scallywag, finally got to use my new plunger
by Dirty dick Jim October 5, 2017
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Being unprepared for any situation or event. Also can refer to a moment of one having no sex and not closing the deal.
“Hey did you end you smashing?” “No I ended dry dicking bro.”

Or you’re ina video game or something have no supplies get killed or stranded your boys are like what happen. “ got caught dry dicking man”
by Master Fensei July 22, 2018
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When he takes you to KFC, and orders a bucket meal then takes you home, you both eat all the chicken then he places the bucket upon your head, and gives you a dickin
Last night Rodney took me to KFC, and when we went home, I got chicken and a dickin. I don’t know which was better, the chicken or the dickin!
by Rodney Chicken Fuqqer April 12, 2021
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When someone, usually a male, is trying hard to prove their manhood by means of owning and showing off gaudy possessions which is likely to compensate for a small penis or lack of capability to pleasure a woman in bed.
dude: *driving* Oh! Look at this fucker trying to pass me up! I'm already going 10 above the speed limit!
chick: He is just big dickin' you...he must be really insecure.
by domeno October 19, 2014
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To actively seek out a partner or partners for a sexual liason, typically in a social setting such as a party, bar, or nightclub. Generally, long-dickin' refers to a male actively seeking out a female for sexual activity.
Dexter wanted to get laid, so he went out to the bar to do a little long dickin'.
by Strat's Funky Bottle O' Jack January 20, 2011
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Jimmy: I found a old bottle cap on the ground!
Mark: Stop Moby Dickin around!
Jimmy: I wonder what it's doing there?
Mark: Stop wasting time and let's get this show on the road!
by Johnny Davison February 16, 2010
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When you're getting mad dicked, a broad is checking out your package. She is staring you down because she wants your cock (aka: dick).
That bitch was mad dickin me yo!
by Mike December 30, 2005
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