Also known as a Devil's Threeway, a Devil's Triangle is sexual intercourse involving two men and one woman.
"Sometimes my me and my bro like to take on one girl at the same time and Eiffel Tower her."
"You don't get weirded out by a threeway with two dudes and one woman?"
"Nah man, there's nothing wrong with a little Devil's Triangle between friends"
by Dwayne "The Rick" Johnson October 6, 2018
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A drinking game like quarters except the glasses are in a triangle. Lol.
Brett: let's have a devil's triangle with that drunk girl upstairs
Mike: yeah, totally

All go upstairs to play drinking game with glasses in a triangle.
by BrettKav October 9, 2018
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A version of the drinking game Quarters, using three shot glasses containing beer
Brett and Mark tried to force Christine to play Devil's Triangle, but they were too inebriated.
by NotAGangRapist September 28, 2018
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probably existed in the 80s as a quarter game similar to Ponderosa like that board game at the time that wasn't a sex act. Meant to be played with 3 people and 3 cups, with each cup facing a player. If the quarter goes into their own cup they have to drink all of them, but if it goes in one of the other 2 the corresponding player has to drink it
Brett Kavanaugh: Hey guys, you know what we should call this game? Devil's Triangle. My name is Brett Kavanaugh.
by Toilet896 October 4, 2018
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A drinking game form the early 1980s where you place three beer filled red solo cups equidistantly on a table. Then attempt to bounce a quarter into the cup. If the attempt is successful, the player gets to give the person of their choice a drink. If you make 3 attempts in a row, you get to make a rule. Common rules include things like:

No names - Can't say any other players' name.

No swearing

No pointing

Must perform a particular action or say a phrase before bouncing the quarter.
Christine was not very good at Devil's Triangle and it has ruined her memory, so that she falsely accuses fine upstanding young men of dastardly deeds.
by The Complete & Utter Truth October 4, 2018
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Kennedy: Devil's Triangle. How's it played?
Kavanaugh: You ever play quarters?
Kennedy: No.
Kavanaugh: It's a quarters game.
by Ronronronron October 15, 2018
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