Really bad quality of hair. Grows in all directions but never looks like it.
You're lucky you got that good hair instead of my DNA mold.
by adorkable419 February 21, 2015
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Erasing all electronic evidence of a person or a relationship, to include contact information, emails, texts, phone call records, etc...
I broke up with Karen. I had to do a "DNA delete" on her ass. Bitch no longer exists!

My wife goes through my phone. I had to "DNA delete" my e-lationship with my on-line honey, Three-Cox-In-Me.
by orientxp July 13, 2011
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Feasting on the insides of your enemies. How easily you ignore the loss of life when it suits your convenience. So tell me: who saves the weak from the man who saves the weak? Kill or be killed Jack. Phnom Penh taught me that. Yes, you aren’t the only one to grow up on the killing fields. War is a cruel parent but an effective teacher. It’s final lesson is carved deep in my psyche: that this world, and all it’s people are diseased. Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater: memes. The DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture — they are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair... All memes, all passed along. You can’t fight nature, Jack. Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong pray upon the weak. Sam tells me you see your weapon as a tool. Something that saves lives — a means of justice. Now there’s a pretty meme. Exquisite! It’s spared you the burden of all the lives you’ve taken... ...absolved you of guilt when you enjoyed it. That is until the illusion was broken. Don’t be ashamed. It’s only nature, running its course. You have no choices to make. Nothing to answer for. You can die with a clear conscience.
-Monsoon the winds of destruction

"Memes. The DNA of the soul."
by Nanomachines, son September 8, 2022
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The moment at birth, examining a family photo, or just at random when you realize your offspring look nothing like the silicone bag bearing, botox injected, liposucked, rhinoplasted, forehead lifted, and tummy tucked person you call your wife. When you realize you've been duped and that your wife hasn't fully revealed the quantity of plastic surgery she's had done. This epiphany may also be triggered by a family photo causing you to suddenly understand why your wife looks as if she just stepped out of Vogue compared to the more homely qualities of your children.
Jim (watching wife give birth in operating room)...Hey what the f***. That's not my child!

Doctor: Oh yes it is! It's just another case of DNA WhatTheHey! Happens all the time.
by Amovida June 12, 2011
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Reproduction. Combining your DNA with another person's to create offspring.
You need a good partner when you're doing the DNA tango, otherwise you could end up with stupid and ugly kids.

Oh, she's pregnant? Looks like her and Bob did the DNA tango.
by Livsteroo January 23, 2011
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The organic beverage made with one single ingredient*: male sperm.

*Gay body builders have been known to add various protein supplements such as creatine or whey (not that there's anything wrong with this).
KPM: "Dude you'll know if she's naughty or not by whether she'll swallow the DNA Smoothie."

JT: "Oh yeah? What if she spits it out?"

KPM: "Never had that happen dude. Sorry, no advice."
by JT Amish December 15, 2009
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