Reproduction is the production of offspring by a sexual process or asexual process.

The vast majority of animal species (including humans) reproduce sexually but some reproduce asexually. In other words, Reproduction in the vast majority of animals is only possible when a male animal and a female animal come together to have sex. This is also known as breeding or mating.

Animals that reproduce sexually, breed with members of the opposite sex due to a desire for sexual pleasure, love, and the need to propagate the next generation.

Heterosexual is the only kind of sex that can lead to sexual reproduction.
Reproduction is essential to the survival of all mammals.
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The process of something i will never have
“I wish i had sex tonight instead of searching shit in urban dictionary cause im *horny* or curious also whats reproduction
by Dying is gay dude February 3, 2021
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1. when two beings come together to make a smaller, louder, and more annoying being that will eventually grow up to do the same thing -perpetuating a disgusting and neverending cycle of filth.
2. something ugly people should never find out about.
it is very fortunate that rosie o'donnell is a lesbian; she is one fewer atrocity that will consider reproduction.
by skips August 23, 2003
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Organs which are used primarily in the creation of offspring.
I was down at the welfare office today, and I saw this guy who shouldn't have kids, so I chopped his reproductives with a pair of hedge clippers
by Cleefy January 23, 2011
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Another name man's penis, using a musical metaphor.
Referring to a sexy woman, "I'd let her play a tune of my reproductive organ any day."
by LaughingAloud October 5, 2005
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Reproducing with oneself, such as a hermaphrodite who is not sterile in either set of genitalia or a plant with both male and female parts.
"Well, go fuck yourself!"

"Actually, doing autosexual reproduction sounds like fun right now, thanks."
by Acrazia October 4, 2011
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