Is a sucker for the rules, does what he’s told and would turn up late to work if he left his mask behind.
Look at that Covidiot
by Rockerman74 November 10, 2020
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A person who follows rules from the government, and still sees no change happening, but is so blinded, continues to follow along.
Look at those people wearing a mask after 5 years. They are such covidiots.
by Angel of Love and War December 30, 2021
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If you see a lone driver in a car with a mask on, you are looking at a Covidiot.
A Covidiot will confront you, if you are walking the "wrong" way in the grocery store isle or if your spit rag virtue signaling device (mask) is not fully seated on your face.
I always ask them where were they with their arrows and sanitizer, when seasonal flu & pneumonia killed over 8000 Canadians in 2019, at which point the Covidiot usually realizes, that they are way out of their league.

Covidiot is someone who does not question authority figures, such as the Chinese agent with adam's apple who goes by the name of Theresa Tam.
A covidiot is unphased by the fact that Tam played a big role in bringing Covid into Canada as she was accusing of racism and Xenophobia anyone who dared to suggest that flights from China should be suspended.
Covidiot is not bothered by the fact, that this so called professional first told us that masks can cause more harm than good, than did a 180 degree turn and jumped on the pro-mask train.
A covidiot will blindly follow the guidelines of people who wouldn't know common sense if they tripped over it.....this is why it is apparently OK to jam 300 people onto a plane for 6 hours, but god forbid you would have more than 10 people sitting in a restaurant of 5000 square feet...the list goes on but you get the idea.
A lone jogger with a mask on is a Covidiot.
by Wolfman321 January 24, 2021
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A fully vaccinated individual that continues to wear a mask; especially while outdoors or in a car by themselves.
Why is that covidiot wearing a mask outside?
by H. Williams July 18, 2021
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Anyone who denies this epidemic exists, also anyone who refuses to wear a mask
Anyone who thinks Coronavirus is a joke is a Covidiot.
by Pat Mahomie December 20, 2020
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Someone who dosent wear a mask and thinks Covid is « fAkE nEwS » . Also probably a trump supporter and drinks vodka on the weekends.
Idiot1: oh look who’s on the train
Idiot2: he’s not even wearing his mask - what a covidiot.
by Phae.speaks.truth October 28, 2020
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A person that blatantly disrespects COVID-19 safety protocols.
Karen claims that wearing a mask does not prevent getting infected by Covid-19. She is a covidiot.

Look at these covidiots hanging out at the mall with no mask on.

During Christmas break, Kyle flew across the country just so he could be infected. After getting sick, that covidiot got on a plane and flew back home.
by SG22! December 29, 2021
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