Cat tail or "corn dog grass" is that long earth tone looking dildoe that grows in the swamps.
dude 1. Man I am hungry, we are stuck out in the cuts and don't have any food.

dude 2. Don't worry, there is a ton of corn dog grass that we can snack on out here.
by T.J. Dubz February 24, 2011
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When you and your buddy pull an all-nighter and celebrate the ending with a corn dog feast, usually followed by corn dog farts.
My friend Woody and I enjoyed a nice Corn Dog Breakfast after a late night playing Call of Duty.
by BigMikeTheBrave March 8, 2011
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Corn Dog Heaven is a place where the skies are blue and the grass is green. Corndogs are as plentiful as the generous sun's infinite rays that pour down on this glorious heavenly land. Visit Corn Dog Heaven. Go there now. All you need is your imagination and ten dollars for a 28 pack of Costco Corndogs. Indulge NOW!
Nolan had Rebecca pinned up against the wall. Things were getting hot and heavy. It was a match made in Corn Dog Heaven.
by saltyjohn October 20, 2008
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When someone puts a roll of pennies into a condom( ties the ends), then lubes it with ketchup and mustard and then proceeds to fuck someone in the ass with it and yell..."OOOOYEAH CORN DOGGY DOGGY" and then eats the crusts off of the sides of a piece of bread.
Mark asked me asked me to do the Polish corn dog with him...
I didn't say no.
by Rincryo November 7, 2017
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A sex move where you shove a skewer up some ones ass until a giant log of shit represents the corn dog. Its then dosed in vodka and eaten by the partner for a midnight snack.
Brook: Hey what do you want for breakfast?

Kevin: Im not hungry because of that Russian Corn Dog I had last night...
by The Russian Master November 5, 2021
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When a man fucks a girl in the chili ring, and then he pulls it out of her and she precedes to eat his corn covered dick.
Robby: Man I gave Sally an Oklahoma corn-dog last night!

Jim: Ohh man that's so crazy!!
by Randy71 July 9, 2010
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A sexual act that involves covering ones penis in batter(with no rising agent) sticking said penis into a cold place and then fucking a whore with a yeast infection.
Jeff: i paid a whore to give me a frozen corn-dog.

Tim: how did you find such a lovely woman.

Jeff: the smell.
by Rogefag December 10, 2010
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