Something that is in any way involved with My Little pony FIM.
bob: I heard Stephen colbert likes ponies.

bob's friend: He's now 20% cooler
by anon.338 August 10, 2011
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The art,(it is truely an art!)of keeping the cooler organized,free of water and full of ice and consumables. re-stocking the cooler with beverage as needed and making sure none of them are warm or skunky.
jack: on our yearly trip to englishtown i usually do the "cooler maintenance" we all bring beers.
ryan: dude, i'll bring copious amounts of meat for the grill
phil: i'll bring my garmin and i'll try not to throw up
scott: ummm, yeah, wow, i can't go guys, sorry. but if i do go i'll bring two 36 packs of brew.
bob: i'll bring my breathing machine. and tell fuck stories.
jay: i'll try not to bang any under age girls, nugggah ! !
by Jack de wack June 26, 2008
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A low-content, not-so-intense alcoholic drink, usually flavored as a fruit drink.

Wine coolers are frequently had with meals and such to consume alcohol, yet not get much of a buzz off it.

They are also considered a pussy alcoholic beverage when someone attempts to get drunk entirely off of wine coolers.
"I needed something to ease my mind without getting drunk, so I had a wine cooler with dinner."
by Lahr November 14, 2006
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The paper bag the liquor store gives you when you buy a 40 or some other assortment of malt beverage. Best used for concealing alcohol in public, even though everyone knows you're drinking alcohol, and for "cooling" the beverage to give it a crisp, yet smooth falvor.
Sittin' in the park the compton cooler was the only choice for my Micky's.
by crazy b May 4, 2005
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A unhardcore way to drink, a sugarcoated version of malt liquor
Yum, pass that red wine cooler
by polska nikki~ May 16, 2005
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-Like freezer burn but beer! When you don't clean out your cooler from the night before, and all the beer cans lost their paint around the rim from rolling around a hot cooler all day, beer is normally skunked
-Typically given to people whom you don't like or are intoxicated to tell the difference
-Hey guy, I got some left over beers from the other night, want one?
-Na I seen they all have cooler burn! Let's give it to those guys!
by socha July 25, 2016
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noun, person; a cooler pirate is that little basturd that sneaks beer out of someones cooler when they are not paying attention at an outside party.

(inside party is a fridge pillager)
"Oh, damn, Tommy and Sara are here."
"They steal beer all the time, watch your shit!"
"They do? Fucking Cooler Pirates"
by J_Hawk08 November 12, 2007
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