The best damn late night talk show host ever...he's a tall Irish, red-head and is hilarious. He's also HOT!
I want to marry Conan O'Brien!
by BadAss April 28, 2004
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The most kick ass man in all of history. Known for getting the girls and killing the bad guys. A precedent for James Bond, but instead of using a gun, he uses a sword.
by Seabass January 20, 2005
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Upcoming MMORPG based of Robert E. Howard's Conan series. In the game, adults battle the evils of hyboria clad in steel and iron. 12 year olds assume the position of making female characters, and masturbating to the rendered tits.
Dude Age of conan is so cool! I made a female guardian and took her top off.
by John Kamble April 29, 2008
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the most talented and humble man out there. his music is incredible and he desevers more love. STREAM MANIAC!!!
someone: who are you listening to? they sound amazing
me: oh its conan gray!
by conan luv bot October 31, 2019
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the person who made me realise that I’m not straight oops
Conan Gray is the love of my life
by conansfuturehusband January 20, 2020
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A comic mastermind constantly producing catch frases and funny dances.The greatset late night talk show host in the world.
by Anonymous November 6, 2003
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