dumb ass...specifically on the baseball diamond...
John Rally is a chotch piece...
by Chu March 16, 2005
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A douchebag, like the typical "Jersey Shore" type of guy, orders Jager bombs, thinks he looks hot... but clearly he's not.

Clear Sunglasses - Chains - Spiked Hair - Douche.
Don't go to Vegas on Memorial Day Weekend, it's full of chotch balls
by HandGrenade6969 April 20, 2010
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Kayleigh- "Why is that girl walking so funny?"

Chelsea- "She must of had a severe chotch pounding."
by ChellyBellyBrynn June 13, 2010
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a douche bag's evil twin cousin. A chotch bag is more than just a useless idiot, he or she is consistently a useless idiot, often times on purpose.
David: Damn, frickin Jim is such a douche bag!

Paul: Yeah, but i think he's been drinking d water so long we have to classify him as a chotch bag.

David: Whoah, he graduated from db school already?

Paul: no doubt, hey make it rain son!
by DPdaix June 1, 2007
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noun: a dirty, too much sexed vagina.
proper noun: a girl that engages in too much sex and showers very little, resulting in a stanky vaginal region.
Mary Schoppey has a rotten chotch.
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a douche bag; asshole; idiot; morron; jackass on the field; etc...
- "You're a chotch piece..."
- "John Rally is a total chotch piece..."
by IIchutII November 3, 2005
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a person (often a bro (see "bro") who is pathetically in love with their iPhone, and uses it in every possible case.
Javier: does anyone have a lighter?
Curtis: yeah bro you can use my Zippo App lol on my iPhone lol
Javier: quit being an iPhone Chotch
by RodgerJohnson March 28, 2009
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