The legendary chipmunk featured on a top college humor video clip. The chipmunk is obviously distressed and his reaction is epic. The dramatic chipmunk is actually a prarie dog, but no one seems to care. He is god. It can also be used as a noun of which to call someone.
"Don't give me that look you fucking dramatic chipmunk, go collect acorns or something."
by NeilP June 23, 2007
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Currently the world’s bestselling midget group. They formed in 1958 and now have multiple feature movies and are still hawt, despite being older than the Beatles.
They’re making another Alvin and the chipmunks movie, so brace yourselves for a level of furry midget ass that we have not yet experienced.
by El ritardo December 6, 2017
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A sexual move where a woman puts her mouth around your anus and you fart making her cheeks flare out like a chipmunk.
I just ate some beans how about a dirty chipmunk!!
by The Tysman May 23, 2009
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(v) to masturbate; to spank the monkey; to beat the meat; to maniputlate one's (male) genitalia for pleasure; to jerk off; to beat off; to rub one out
Wow....after watching Katie get undressed, I feel the urge to go home and choke the chipmunk.
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The act of inhaling helium and shoving a acorn up someone’s ass and singing “All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
Man I just Alvin and the chipmunks this girl.”
by Gucci Berry February 20, 2021
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When a woman is able to fit a man's penis and testicles into her mouth simultaneously while performing oral sex, much in the same way that a chipmunk can shove copious amounts of nuts into its mouth while eating.
Man, that girl I hooked up with last night was a freak. She deepthroated me chipmunk style!
by Vorsteher Agony May 7, 2021
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The sexual act of two gay men who 69 by putting balls in their mouths instead of dicks. When seen from the side this position resembles two chipmunks 69ing with cheeks full of nuts. These nuts will keep them happy over a long winter.

Mentioned in South Park s15e01 as Kyle's email address
I don't know but he mentioned something about 69ing Chipmunks.
by Bdamn April 29, 2011
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