WTF happened?? Disney was supposed to be all about the classic cartoons, but now it's about... Preppy sluts and horrible pop music! What the hell???

I wouldn't give a crap about this channel, but my sister watches it all the time and idolizes any star that appears on the screen, including some such as Hillary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Raven Symone, Christy Carlson Romano, and lots of other preps whose pathetic excuses for "music" are no better than the shows they star in.

Disney is well known for using and reusing the same actors every time in new movies they come up with, which they do so almost every two months or so. This is called Disney Channel Star Syndrome, and the worst part is that at least one of the actors/actresses will sing the theme song for the movie, which is always gonna be another horrible pop song that no sane teenager in their right mind would want to hear for more than one second.

So, to sum it up, aside from the shows and movied aired on it, Disney Channel is the world's largest promoter of preppy pop music that's just annoying the hell out of me. Since when was being a prep cool anyway?
Oh look, Disney Channel is making a new movie, and Hillary Duff's in it! Such a nice idea to use this actress after they've used her in at least 10 other shows. And look, she's gonna be singing the theme song, and it's a terrible pop song! COVER YOUR EARS!!!
by SomeBadJoke August 5, 2006
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A channel that only broadcasts one animated show. Phineas and Ferb. gay, right?
Whatever happened to Mickey and Goofy and donald and Minny and the other original characters of Disney. now all disney channel has are Faggits who dress like faggits and bitches who dress like hos. The only thing thats left of Mickey Mouse is the logo,but they'll probably get rid of that and replace it with a boner brother.
by MrBates August 25, 2010
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a torture program thats been around for generations thats sadly still used to this day..this program can cause nauseau, pain to the eyes and ears, nose bleeds, migranes, thoughts of suicide, thoughts of genocide, and eventually the murdering of oneself
student1: man i wish we could at least turn this shit down its like a channel one concert in here!
student2: dude shut the fuck up the teachers lookin over know we cant touch that tv...god bless us ..everyone
by judybooty May 27, 2010
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A lighthearted and subtly derisive expression used to point out a sudden and profound shift in a person’s behavior, when someone does something entirely out of character.
Suddenly, after a lifetime of being late to everything, I found myself arriving solidly fifteen minutes early to all of my appointments, so I began to imagine I may be just one of the many folks who are channeling aliens!
by Dr Bunnygirl June 12, 2021
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When you don't care about talent anymore.

Due to one of Urban Dictionary's rules, I have to post information about Disney Channel. Alright. For a proper definition of Disney Channel, see super mega piece of CRAPSHITFUCK!!!!
super mega piece of CRAPSHITFUCK!!!! is what Disney Channel is. Seriously.
by Another Madman August 30, 2009
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Channel view otherwise known as "channel" is a shit ass school, the principal a bitch, the girls are all treeshes, the boys all whack, the band is better than scholars, and special ed kids masturbate in the bathroom and bring knives into the school.
Some girl:what school you go to??
Me:Channel view
Girl:you a dub, ya principal wears a wig, it's always lopsided too.
by Farrockianboi69 November 18, 2018
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A stupid radio station group that thinks they own FM. Tries to knock off other radio station groups such as Cumulus, Apex Broadcasting, and Emmis. There new Crapstar group is stupid as hell, They put the stupidest music on there stations. And Is the reason why FM Radio now sucks.
by anonymous January 19, 2005
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