a city populated by mostly whites, that shares a county with Fort valley, which consists of mostly of ignorant blacks and illegal mexicans.
White Guy: Man, i'm glad i live in byron and not fort valley
Black Guy: yo dawg, why that be?
White Guy: Cause i don't stick out like bird shit on tar.
by WhiteGuy567 January 15, 2011
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Used to denote stupefyingly vapid technical explanations by members of the media, via Brian Acohido, "XML is a specialized alphabet that can capture any kind of computer file as a regular text."
Bit torrent is a programming language for stealing credit card information. Totally a Byron.

The Twitter lets children exchange pornographic pictures. One Byron for you.

Unencrypted wireless access points allow you to google your printers for virus infections. Yeah, that's a Byron.
by drewhenson August 13, 2009
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i met a byron
what happened
my life flashed before my eyes
by Wackadoodlenutjob July 29, 2019
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a fat uncle cunt who is usually an abo
o fuck here comes byron
by fhyr April 9, 2018
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The President of the United States, according to a man from Coney Island that often appears on Sidetalk (@sidetalknyc)
by ItsLittyInDaCity December 1, 2021
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Kari Byron is an extremly talented build team member/researcher on the Discovery Channel show Mythbusters. Kari Byron is usually assigned to tackle secondary myths on the show or assist the hosts in busting the larger-scale myths.

Kari Byron has a Bachelor's degree in film and sculpture which explains her proficiency serving on the build team of Mythbusters. Her artistic background ensures that no build is too far-fetched or difficult. Kari Byron's intellect and talent are nothing less than impressive and are very well suited to busting myths, urban legends and old wive's tales much to the delight of Mythbusters fans everywhere.

Interestingly enough, in addition to being so talented, Kari Byron has been confirmed as being the cutest redhead known to man. Do not dispute it.
Kari Byron, helping to bust myths while ofsetting the show's geekiness with her sunny personality, beautiful smile and expertise in reckless demolition in the name of science.
by Skeeter McDougal September 29, 2005
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A side stop when you are passing through and need to take a shit.

More cows then people


If you see a group of Mexicans, run.
When passing through byron bergen be sure to expect tractors, mexicans, cows, and occasionally drunk kids walking down the road.
by BB resident March 11, 2014
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