It's a feeling you can never understand until you experience it. It is a constant pain and discomfort that you struggle with all day. It is a sickness in your stomach and a knot in your throat. It is when eating becomes a battle to swallow and falling asleep becomes inconceivable. It is unrequited love. It is the loss of someone you love. It feels like you lost apart of who you are. You fight with yourself, trying to convince yourself you are fine. It's a constant swing in your emotions. Some moment are better than others. Sometimes you think it is almost over, but then, just as suddenly you are overwhelmed with a paralyzing pain that forces you stop and rest for a moment. You are always thinking about the other person. Imagining how happy they are, while you are barely hanging on. You think about how they have forgotten about you... How could it have been so easy for them. How could they have said they cared about you, but moved on you so effortlessly. You wonder, "how could you do this... How could you say you care about me and be so careless with your words and actions?" Soon these thoughts turn to anger. Anger that you use to get you through the day. Anger is what blocks out the saddness. Hate is the only escape from the saddness you are overwhelmed by. Unfortunately, the hate is only temporary. When it eats away at you until there is nothing left, you are back to where you started. Thinking about them, and how alone you are. Now you are left to cry, either on the inside or out, and making promises to yourself that you will never let this happen again.
She was reckless with her words... Part of you thinks she said was she said, and did what she did, because she loved what you gave her. She did what she had to do to make sure you kept giving her love... even if that ment building you up and leaving you heart broken.
by James January 22, 2007
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A juicy wet pussy kind of looks like a broken cantaloupe either cut in half or smashed on the floor with the seeds hanging all over the place
Man, Judy was so horny last night her pussy looked like a broken cantaloupe.
by Club April 11, 2015
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It's the reverse cowgirl position but two lesbians, where the one with a strap-on is on the top. (Thus "broken", because natural erect penises dont bend like that)

It's referenced a couple of times in House M.D.
House: "Hey Wilson, are you going to do the Broken Cowboy?"


Foreman: "Do you know what is a broken cowboy? It was on House's bachelor party requirements list... ... I hope she can do the broken cowboy"
by Dyke Biatch March 25, 2022
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An emotionally/mentally unstable (or less stable than normal) person due to life challenges, recent taxing events, or the actions/behaviours of another person. This person may feel at the point of just crawling into a corner, breaking down, and crying due to sentiments of inadequacy, feebleness, and utter worthlessness. In extreme cases, thoughts of suicide or other forms of violence might arise for the purpose to, simply put, "just end it."

And such a person is oft secluded, excessively sensitive, and/or too humble because the person might feel unworthy of any aid or love from anyone, including those who want to help and/or love. And while a soul cannot literally be broken, the person's ego may be conflicted to the point where a person no longer feels like the same person. The person may be going through the motions daily and may even have trouble enjoying favourite pastimes.

A person who self-describes as a "broken soul," or a shattered soul, can get better, but time away from what is causing the person anguish or psychiatric/psychological help is usually needed.
With the passing of both of their parents, Jack and Jill no longer found the will to go up the hill like always. Neighbours, at this point, thought they were broken souls, but any and all attempts to comfort them and take their minds off of their loss were rejected.
by DarkMario1000 on Youtube July 1, 2017
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A fake smile used as a cover to hide the pain inside. It is something that certain individuals tend to use often, as a constant "mask" of their unhappiness.
1. "Look for the girl with the broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay awhile. And she will be loved." - She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5

2. "I feel bad for her... She always seems to be wearing a broken smile, ever since her husband died. It must be hard to pretend to be happy once something like that happens."
by The Lost Angel July 10, 2010
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