Former Hippies who are indeed still hip (derived from Boomer + Flower child)
I was expecting Jimmy’s grandpa to be as pretentious as the rest of his family, but turns out he’s a Bloomer!
by Justclowntingz May 14, 2020
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A person of the Boomer generation that isn't set in their ways and is willing to grow and evolve.
Trent is a Bloomer.
by ThaMarvEllisOne October 7, 2022
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Despite being very hygenic, Susie often finds bloomer butter in her panties.
by Pooh02 January 2, 2009
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A camel toe before the advent of modern women's underwear, when bloomers were a common accessory.
Mary Lincoln has a raging bloomer knuckle.
by Big_Balls_Bob February 23, 2016
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